Aunty Donna
Bigoted Bill
Did someone say Bill, take a seat
Let me walk you through the office, it'll be a treat
Facsimile here, printer there
Do you play Nintendo? (Ah) Don't care
You'll fit in quite good I reckon, but first you need- hey, wait a second
Hey, you, Vipull, go back to where you came from, we're full

Of your delicious curry, it's so yummy I got a full tummy
Back to where I came from, my work
Beat the traffic, it'll be berserk
Bigoted, Bigoted, Bigoted Bill

Lunch is at twelve, you get one hour
The washroom's here if you need a shower
We're the best company on the planet
Oh my god, have you seen Janet?
Oh my god, I love her to bits
She's got a great pair of...

Double degrees, she's above the rest
Business and law, she's the best
Bigoted, Bigoted, Bigoted Bill

And that guy there, he loves pouffes
Have you met Jerry, he's aloof
G'day guys, I love pouffes
I love a pouffe here and I love a pouffe there
Pouffey, pouffey, pouffe pouffe everywhere
Bigoted, Bigoted, Bigoted Bill
God, I hate his handicap
If mine was that low, I'd be wrapped
I was talking 'bout golf you see
Not talkin' 'bout his disability
Bigoted, Bigoted, Bigoted Bill

And did I mention I beat women?
To the picket line to fight for their rights
Treating women bad is a joke
Because you can be a feminist and a bloke
Bigoted, Bigoted, Bigoted Bill