Genius Korea
Album Deep-Dives
This page illustrates how users can write Album Deep-Dives aka Album Highlights as part of the Forum Articles InitiativeSign-Up To get started, sign up for a Genius account here. You'll get your own profile page and the ability to follow other scholars and artists. Once you have an account, you can begin drafting your pieces. If you have any questions about signing up, please reach out to Genius Korea Editors listed here. Sign-Up for an album to write about on this Google spreadsheet under the 'Album Deep-Dive' Tab. There are no prе-determined duе dates for Album Deep-Dives which means you can work at your own pace. Once you sign up Genius Korea editors and moderators will be in touch to keep you on a timeline so that the article is published. Users can sign-up for any album with lyrical or visual depth. The album can be released on any music platform, or unreleased, any era, any artist, any year. It is a plus point if the artists who have taken part in the making of the album were, though this is not required.Format The Highlight must talk about the album's lyrical and/or visual depth. The analysis must be broken track by track. Avoid speculations or far-fetched takes. Provide relevant sources for your analysis. Overall the Deep-Dives will be an extended form of Genius annotations, therefore they should follow all standard Genius Annotation & Style Guide. You can use official videos, vlogs, fan app updates (Weverse, Universe, etc.), tweets, interviews as sources. Wikipedia is not a source. You should intersperse your highlight with official photos relevant to the song. Only official concept photos and/or screenshots from music videos must be used. Try to keep the Deep-Dive objective and avoid personal opinions and thoughts. The highlight should be unbiased. The length of the Deep-Dive is up to the writer's discretion and the length of the project they are writing about.Writing & Submission Album titles must always be italicized, Song titles are always in quotation marks, all artist names should be linked to their corresponding Genius artist pages. The Deep-Dive must follow the Genius Style Guide. The Title should be in the following format: [Album Deep-Dive] Title For example: [Album Deep-Dive] MITO Takes A Closer Look At DPR IAN's Mind. The title should somehow include the artist's name and the album title. Get creative with it! The Deep-Dive must include the following: A creative title (as mentioned above), a short summary of the album including its release date, track-by-track analysis of the album including any music videos if needed. Headers and other artwork will be provided. If you have something specific in mind please let us know. Use horizontal line dividers to separate out the sections within the review. Due to the length of the piece, the draft must be written in an external Google Doc, which must be submitted in this folder. Upon submission, a Genius Korea Editor or Moderator will provide edits and/or suggestions to refine the article. No changes will be made without the writer's approval. Once the article is completed, the editor will make a duplicate of the article and add HTML mark up which can then be published by the writer in Genius Korea forum. To post in a forum, click on "Create Discussion". Enter the Album Deep-Dive title in the "Subject" field, and the write-up in the "Body" field, and then submit.