Brass Cupcake
And She had what she wanted from me
And shes got a nice centipede
And their nose and their mouths will bleed
Because they got a lot of mouths to feed

(Because they got a lotta mouths to feed
And their nose and their mouths will bleed)

And their nose and their mouths will bleed
Because they got a lot of mouths to feed

(Because they got a lotta mouths to feed)

And she knew what she wanted from me
And I ate it accidentally

(And I ate it accidentally)

Wonder world
Wonderful worries
I dont Wonder when the dogs are hungry
I never think
I never have to
They do their best to remind me

Rot away
And the world looks like its ending
Pick a knee
Have it in my arrow
From your knees it all looks like its over
Come alive and leave it for myself
From your bottom knee
I dont know whats parking lot
Check your bottom knee maybe once or probly twice
I dont wanna see anything and a corpse you might
From your knees it all looks like its hell
Leave it for myself