Hey, Mr.Klope yeah your kinda dope
But you'd be even better, if you werent always wearing that sweater

Now come on take it off show your real form
Were you when you were in your dorm

Yes Mr.Klope we know your a hawk, we kinda figured when you would always go bawk, bawk

Your eyes always speed around and you zoom, around the room

But dont worry we won't tell anyone youd probably dye, but we really wanna see you fly



Caw, caw fly into the sky but please dont cry it would tear us apart, and wed no longer be smart

You teach us, you teach us, you teach us well
Which is why we call you now MR.HAWK


Are you going down, down, down, tonight or are you gonna fight, fight, fight for your right

Cause we dont know, we dont you to go


Now sassy! walk on that keyboard!

Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnv55555555555555556677777777777777777777777777 bve ds 67b8n9m0

Ouh, yeah

V5f4999l'' xn---pcfffffffff/.....................................54..

Walk on that keyboard!


Ouh, yeah


Caw, caw fly into the sky but please dont cry it would tear us apart, and wed no longer be smart

You teach us, you teach us, you teach us well
Which is why we call you now MR.HAWK


Now we switch off and we say bye

No matter how hard we try

You still might dye