Fleetwood Mac
james wallace please ship me my jersey
[Verse 1: Edward Hundredbands]
James Wallace, please ship me my jersey
I ordered it in like December, or something like that
I don't know if you're gonna hear this, but I need you to ship my jersey, it looks really cool, it was white, I really need it
Please James
Ship me my jersey
I'm not a cancer patient or anything like that, but I think you should ship my jersey
James ship me my jersey pretty please
It would be really nice if you shipped my jersey to Edward Hundredbands, I'm not gonna say my address in this song, but just ship all the jerseys, to the people who want the jerseys
That would be really cool, if you shipped the jerseys

[Verse 2: Edward Hundredbands]
James Wallace, please ship my Haunted Starbucks order, you fucking bitch
Please ship my Haunted Starbucks order, please
James ship my Haunted Starbucks order
I ordered the shoplifter jersey, it was white
It costed $100, yeah
That's like... All of my paycheck
Please James Wallace, ship my Starbucks, Haunted Starbucks

[Outro: Edward Hundredbands]
Please James Wallace, ship my jersey
I didn't mean the part where I called you a bitch
I really apologize James Wallace, ship me my jersey
Please ship me my jersey, James, I love you Haunted Starbucks, I love you James