SpongeBob SquarePants
[SpongeBob riding his unicycle, whistling. Runs into a boat and flips over and over through a long line of boat mobiles]
SpongeBob: Ow, beg your pardon, aw, excuse me, sorry.
Squidward: Could this day get any worse? [SpongeBob crashes into the back of the truck in front of Squidward] Wha...? Of course it can.
SpongeBob: Hi, Squidward, why is everyone so honking mad?
Squidward: Because they've been stuck in this traffic with nothing to do for hours.
SpongeBob: Nothing to do, eh? [jumps on top of the truck and puts a winding device in the side of his shorts]
Squidward: What the...? [a pair of speakers comes out of SpongeBob's head and plays surf music] Oh, like that's gonna make anybody feel bet... [everyone dancing and whistling] ...ter.
SpongeBob: Come on, Squidward, shake a tail fin.
Squidward: I'm gonna be stuck here forever. [rhythmic honking]
SpongeBob: Nice rhythms, Squidward.