Jason Robert Brown
The World Inside a Frame
It starts with the light
It's like you wouldn't even know which way to look
Until the sun showed you a line
Showed you a corner
Built you a frame
And once there's a frame
Then you can see

[He walks to her, points at the bridge.]

[He puts the camera in front of her.]
Now: see?

See the world!
Here's the world through a small, small window
You thought it was a bridge
You thought it was the water
You thought it was the sky...
It's the world, inside a frame

And you wait
And you wait
And you wait
And you...
Right there, something shifted! Something...
That tree threw a shadow! Did you…?
[Excited but controlled, he clicks the shutter.]

There! There! There!
It's like all you didn't know that you were waiting for
Is just outside the frame
And it can change
The way you see…

[He lowers the camera.]

See the world!
Here's the world in a box forever

[He looks at FRANCESCA and sees something.]

Go stand over there

[She walks to where he's pointing. He raises the camera to his eye.]

Don't look at me
Now: Look at me
Look at me
There. There. There. There. There

[He continues taking pictures of her, until the roll is finished.]
There's the world
There's the world in your face, Francesca