Why me?
Why should I be the sad and lonely one
While you were out with someone having fun
Why me?
Why me?
Why did you come along and break my heart
You played me for a fool right from the start
Why me?
I string along with you and hope someday you'll really care for me
But now you've done me wrong so many times, so please just set me free
Why me?
Why should I be the one that's sad and blue
I'll bet someday the tables turn on you
And then you'll say
Why, why me?
I string along with you and hope someday you'll really care for me
But now you've done me wrong so many times, so please just set me free
Why me?
Why should I be the one that's sad and blue
I'll bet someday the tables turn on you
And then you'll say
Why, why me?
Why me?