GG Allin
Parole Chat 2
I couldn't believe it! I went to see my parole officer today, and they had all my mail there. It caught up to me. I had like two bags of fuckin' mail.

I didn't think they had to forward it after I got out. But I walked in, and he says "I got something here for ya", and I... fuckin' two bags of mail. And he looked at me, he [laughs]. The fuckin' guy was freaking out today. He says, "I don't know", he says, "if I like what you're up to", he says. "You're hangin' out with all these crazy rock 'n' roll people." Man, if you only knew!

I think he went through some of my mail and saw some of the shit in there. And plus, I wеnt in today, I'd pierced my nose again, and I just wеnt in all fuckin'... the way I always look. He just looked at me, he says, "do you have a job yet?" Because I told him I got... I'd made 300 bucks from the last time I was in there, which is pretty good. You know, most people don't make a fuckin' hundred bucks.

I says, "nah"... well, I says "yeah", I says, "depending on what you consider a job." I said, "I got a band, I got a record deal." And he just looked at me, he said: "Do you have a job"? [laughs] I said, "well, in your eyes, probably not." And then he looks at my ticket, and I had to show him my plane ticket, and the ANTiSEEN poster that says "fuck the greedy bastards", and it's got... I didn't want him to read that side!

And he's reading the letter, he turns it around, and I said, "oh shit". He looks at it, he says, he says "God", he says, "I don't know if I like this!" He says, "it just doesn't look good." He says, "I'll be right back", and I'm thinking, "oh fuck, he's not gonna let me go". Then he comes back and throws the ticket at me and he says, "come back in on the 7th and I'll have a pass for you to go".
It's fuckin' cool, you know, I don't even have to see him again for three weeks. See, I think he knows, you know, what I'm doing. You know, I don't think he agrees with it, but he sees that I'm making money, and he sees that, you know, every time I go in there I seem to be doing a little bit better. So I don't think he's gonna give me too much of a problem. I don't know. I mean, it's still really, really premature to tell just what kind of an asshole this guy is, but so far he seems to, uh... you know, just the fact that he's letting me go to North Carolina. You know, he can't really possibly change his mind now. I mean, 'cause... you know, he's practically told me twice, "yeah, you can go".

My oil paintings are very crude. They're nothing at all like my drawings that I did in prison, because obviously, with a pen or a pencil, sketching is quick. My painting... you gotta realize, too, when I started oil painting, this is the first time I'd ever done it, and my... I only had two brushes, and I only had like six or seven paints. So it's very crude, but the idea of them is so cool, because... especially that I Love Nothing, where I sort of predicted the future. It's... I don't know. I think they're great paintings. I mean, any artist would look at them and say they were shit.

I like 'em. I think they're really cool. I don't know. I mean, you might not, and you might. I think you'll like just the idea of it, and the subject matter of it is kinda cool.

Someday I'll actually get my paintings back. Because generally I don't pay my bands that play on my albums, for the mere fact that, you know, I have a hard enough time getting fuckin' money out of these idiots.

I talked to Wes Beech tonight, too. And he's been talking to the drummer for the Plasmatics, the guy that was on Coup d'État. And the... I mean, that drummer's one of the best fuckin'... I mean, he's a great drummer. He wants to play with me on, like, a tour, and possibly record. So right now I've got two guys from the Plasmatics interested in playing with me.

I'm getting together with Wes this weekend. I'm still gonna do this album with ANTiSEEN, because, you know, it's slated to go, and it's done, and I'm ready. But I'm thinking about maybe doing a four-song EP with these guys. A twelve-inch, just as an American release.

But, uh... yeah, I got a couple other gigs tonight. I got a gig up in Portland, Maine for July 12th, with this band Big Meat Hammer, which is cool. And... oh, this is really fucked up, I may have a gig opening for Living Colour.

I couldn't believe it either. I told the guy, "you're fucking crazy". He says, "no", he says, "I'm serious". It's at a college. Bradenton College, in Maine, which, you know, I've heard of. And apparently this guy knows the person putting on the concert, and talked to them today. And they hadn't had a band, and they obviously even knew who I was, and said that they were interested, so...

Whether it would actually happen remains to be seen. But I wouldn't pass it up if it came about, for the main reason... as much as I don't really even care for their music or probably any of the people that would come see 'em, I think it would be a great outlet for me to get up there in front of probably a few thousand people and just piss 'em off.
I don't give a fuck! It'd be like the Ramones opening for Ted Nugent, you know, which they did. And it would be like... I remember one time when Suicide opened for the Pretenders at UNH, this college in New Hampshire. And Suicide got... I mean, they came out, people were booing 'em. And Alan Vega just stopped Marty in the middle of one of the first songs, and just stopped. And Marty played one chord, and he just went up, uh... Alan Vega went up to the people and just gave 'em the finger for 20 minutes straight. Didn't move.

See, it was, like, one of the greatest things I ever saw. I was like, "this is so cool, man, these people hate these guys and they don't give a fuck!" That's kinda the way I kinda... I mean, I'm sure, if I ever even got onstage with that band, people would hate me. Makes me even want to do it even more.

You know, whether... like I say, whether it will happen remains to be seen, but if it does, I'll take it. But I got that other gig, and, uh...

INTERVIEWER: So you're gonna have, pretty much, a summer booked up pretty soon.

Well, I am if I don't go back to prison. You know, there's a fine line there still, and my parole agent told me today, pretty much, that he doesn't really like what's going on. But, what can he do about it?

I'm on parole. If I go back here in the state of Michigan, I go back for at least a year. You know, I'd come out with no... I mean, I don't want that to happen, but if it did, it wouldn't be the most... you know, it wouldn't be like I was going back to do a great amount of time. I mean, a year would be... it would just set me back, because right now I've got too much to do. So what I've got to do is, I think, instead of going back and doing reruns, which I don't want to do, I think I've got to go out there, and to piss them off even more, I'm not gonna get arrested. Because I'm still gonna go out there and do my show, it's still gonna be intense, I'm still gonna get the people going. But I'm gonna sort of bait them to fuck themselves up, and that way I can be the instigator without actually getting arrested. It's... like I say, it's a fine line, but I can do it.

That tape that I just got was the best I... it's really great, I've never heard that Destroy All Monsters, "Die When You Die" studio version. Because when I did that song on the Freaks album, I... the only version I'd ever heard was a live version. And to hear that on a studio was great.

Do you have any Tom Waits albums? You got Rain Dogs? That's the one I want. If you could tape me that whole... I mean, that is the one... that is such a great album. I used to listen to that album all the time. That one, and Tom's... what's that, Cafe or, uh... there was another album with "Waltzing Matilda". If you could tape me all of that... the Rain Dogs album, and put that song "Waltzing Matilda" on the end. 'Cause I'd like to... I've got that tape somewhere, but nobody can find it in my trunk.

Yeah, if you could do that on one side of a 90 and then put some Destroy All Monsters, that would be a great tape.

I like that, uh... what is it, the Adverts. Man, that... well, you know, I've heard some of their stuff before, but I've never heard a whole album. And everything I've ever heard by them has been something that I've always thought, well, "I've got to get an album by this band". I think they're great.

Yeah, put some of that on there too, because, I mean, I love all that stuff. As much as you can get of that on there. Put that on too.

I got a picture of Malpractice, too. [laughs] We look like a bunch of little fuckin' twerps. We were, really. But I mean, we were... well, I mean we looked... I guess if you put us back in that time, we looked all right. You know, I mean, it's just... you know, Brian's got his fuckin' space suit on, and I look probably the worst of all of us. I got this hat on, and I got this black shirt that says MALPRACTICE on it, and...

When I get up to the East Coast in July, I'm gonna go to my safety deposit boxes, and that's where the real gold is. I got pictures of the Scumfucs, the Cedar Street Sluts. I got a tape of stuff I did with the guys from the MC5. I got stuff that nobody's ever seen or heard, that I'm probably going to make copies of and unleash to the public somehow.
I'm on fuckin' parole, and I'm in a bar, bam! I'm going to jail, they're gonna call my agent, and I'm fucked. So if there's any partying to be done, it'll be at somebody's house, or it'll be somewhere away from the law. I want to stay... I mean, even though I'm in North Carolina, I don't want to see any policemen. There really isn't gonna be a lot of party time, fun time. It's really gonna be a working trip. For me, to work is party time. You know, I'm back to GG now, man. You know, after being out of prison for a couple weeks, I got my leather coat back now, I got another dog collar, and I'm just starting to put myself back together the way I feel comfortable.

It's great. Man, I got my boots. It's just... it's almost like, a little bit at a time, I'm getting everything. Everybody's, like, sending me all this shit that I had before I got arrested. Because when I got arrested, everything was everywhere. I didn't have time to... I couldn't get bail, so I didn't have time to get anything together. Now people are sending me all this shit. It's like "man, I never thought I'd see these motherfuckers again!" [laughs] Yeah, shit, I saw my boots and I was like, "what the fuck! I never..." I mean, it was like, I couldn't fuckin' believe it.

Obviously, one thing we can't do is we can't take photos where there are gonna be a lot of people. Because in these photos, I'm gonna be breaking the law a million ways. For one, we're all gonna have weapons. I'm not even supposed to be around a weapon, and all of us are gonna have guns. And for two, I'm gonna be naked, probably, in some of the pictures. So we can't do this, like, on Main Street or anything. And, plus, I don't think anybody's taken a picture of me since I've been out of prison. It'll actually be a first. I don't think there's been one snap, one fuckin' shot of me at all.

Oh man, fuckin'... the Santa Barbara Police Department called my parole agent, they're... they said something about maybe pressing charges. So I went out there yesterday, and he's yelling and screaming at me, saying "you'll never leave for another six months", "I can't let you leave the state", and so on. So unfortunately, we had to cancel D.C. for tomorrow night, which was gonna be a big show for us. So I guess what they're gonna do is just show GG videos all night. But it really sucks, because I was gonna do it anyway, and then he threatened to lock me up until November because of the suicide thing. As usual, they never get it right.

For them to press charges, they'd have to, um... get me back out to California to stand trial. At this point, who knows. I don't think they will. He's just... my parole agent's just trying to, you know... see, the thing is, my parole agent doesn't understand, he doesn't understand the circumstances behind the whole thing. So he thinks I'm guilty before he even hears the evidence that would prove otherwise. I mean, that certainly... there was nothing that happened at that show that I should be charged with, as far as I'm concerned. But he thinks now it's a good excuse for him to, you know, put the shackles on me and shit. But he's got another think coming.

He's telling me I can't leave fuckin' Ann Arbor for six months. Fuck it, they might as well put me back in fuckin' jail, now. Because that's fuckin'... that's impossible.

We put an ad in the Village Voice, and fuckin' Dee Dee Ramone called us up today. And he was the first caller; he wants to play. And he's, like, asking me, says, well, you know, "is a GG Allin tour pretty rough?" "Well, you know, it's... you can do it, y'know, it's just a lot of blood." Dee Dee's like, "yeah, yeah... I know all about GG", and said "I can play the songs". He says "I know how", you know, "I've got some of the records". [laughs] And he's like, "you know, you could even use my name, like, in smaller letters, if you think it would help."

He's a better bass player. He's not a great guitar player, but he can play. I mean, my songs are pretty easy, and if he could learn the stuff quick enough, then he could do the tour. But we're not really certain if he can learn it in a week to two weeks. So as it stands right now, I won't know until this weekend, and he's gonna... they're gonna practice this weekend and see if he can do it. If he can do it, then we would probably just say fuck Chicken, and bring him along, and even do the New York shows. So I'm hoping, you know, that all goes well with them this weekend, and I'll get together with him next week sometime.

Dee Dee's working out pretty well with us. He's a really cool guy, I guess. We look at it this way: I mean, Dee Dee's gonna be a big draw. What we're gonna do is, the other guy will play the whole set, and Dee Dee will play like half the set until he learns the whole set. He's so into it. He says he's gonna wear, like, Army gear onstage. Fuckin'... so that'll be his thing.

I think what I'm gonna try to do now is try to get some sort of press out about, uh... you know, Dee Dee being in the band. I didn't really want to do it until I was sure that he was gonna work out, but it looks like he's going to, so... and he's got a lot of connections; that fucker knows everybody.

At this point, you know, I wasn't even sure that Dee Dee would go. Because, I mean, there's really... there's no money involved, and he knows that at this point. But, see, we didn't know that when...

I think the next time we book a tour, we can book it with Dee Dee Ramone, and use his name too. Because it's so weird. It's like, I'm so extreme, and Dee Dee's got such a big name...

Not to worry about it, because I'm working on it now, and everything's still happening.