Gene Watson
The City
[Verse 1]
I'm looking for that city
Abraham believed God made by hand
John saw it, I believe it
By faith, I see that city coming down

[Chorus 1]
Some sweet day I'll walk upon the golden streets of glory
And with the lamb of God, I will sit down
In awesome splendor, talk it over
With Him who is the way to glory land


[Verse 2]
Streets of gold and living fountains
John looked and saw that city coming down
Gates of pearl, walls of jasper
Through eyes of faith, I almost see it now

[Chorus 2]
Oh, what a wondrous time will be when with the angels singing
I look upon the one who set me free
And I will praise Him though endless ages
Oh, hallelujah, Jesus is His name
Oh, hallelujah, Jesus is His name