Froggy Fresh
The Last Shot Intro
There we were
In the middle of game three
This game would decide everything in a weird kind of way
We were getting trashed and we didn't have a chance
Nobody could handle Giant Jimmy
Especially on this short hoop
I was distracted
I couldn't help but think about how
This was it
This was probably gonna be the last game me and my friends were gonna play
We were growing up
There weren't gonna be any more Driveway Championships after this
This was it
Some of us would go to college
Some of us wouldn't
Some of us would move far away
Some of us would stay right here
And never leave
I was gonna miss these guys
I was even gonna miss James
I didn't wanna grow up
But it was too late
It was already happening
You can't stop time
That's when I’d seen him
Ref Tony
Well, the angel of Ref Tony
I asked him how he was doing
He said, “Shut up
We don't have enough time for small talk”
Then he handed me some suits
Some Halloween suits
I asked him what in the heck these were for
He told me that these suits had been sprinkled in angel dust
And that they would give us the strength we needed to win the game
I went to tell Ref Tony thank you
But before I even got a chance
He was already flying away
Up in the sky
Then he was gone
I went over to Mike and Gator and told them what happened
I handed them the suits
And we put them on
And that's when I knew
We could do it