Undeclinable Ambuscade
I'm Sorry
I wanted them to know I wasn't right
The things I did, the things I shouldn't have done
You will all hear my confession of guilt
The tale of a boy that's full of shame
I wanted her to come with me, wanted her to show me what she's like
She's blond, drunk, undressed in my bed
Once more I got drunk at night, I couldn't control my feelings and started a fight
He was my best friend no longer. I couldn't adapt to anything that changed
A stranger in a world full of people that loved me. I wanted to die
She was the best thing that ever happened to me. Started to feel better
But now she's gone. She couldn't compete with my dreams
And now I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I hope they will forgive me
I hope this story will be heard by everyone, especially those who suffered the most
I know there isn't an excuse for what I did. But it will make me feel better