Edmund Spenser
The Temple Gates
Open the temple gates unto my love
Open them wide that she may enter in
And let the roaring organs loudly play
The praises of the Lord in lively notes
The whiles with hollow throats
The Choristers the joyful anthem sing
Sing ye sweet angels, Alleluia
That all the woods them answer, and their echo ring

Now all is done; bring home the bride again
Bring home the triumph of our victory
Bring home with you the glory of her gain
With joyancе bring her and with jollity
Never had man morе joyfull day then this
Whom Heaven would heap with bliss
Make feast therefore now all this live long day
This day for ever [to me] holy is
Pour out the wine without restraint or stay
Pour not by cups, but by [the] bellyful
Pour out to all that will
And sprinkle all the posts and walls with wine
That they may sweat, and drunken be withall
Crown ye God Bacchus with a coronal
And Hymen also crown with wreaths of vine
And let the Graces dance unto the rest;
For they can do it best:
The whiles the maidens do their carrol sing
To which the woods shall answer and their echo ring