Hap Palmer
Grandmother’s Farm
I took a trip to grandmother's farm
What do you 'spose I saw?
I saw a cow and it talked to me
La la la la la la la la la
I went to grandmother's farm
I took a trip to grandmother's farm
What do you 'spose I saw?
I saw a horse and it talked to me
I saw a cow and it talked to me
La la la la la la la la la
I went to grandmother's farm
I took a trip to grandmother's farm
What do you 'spose I saw?
I saw a dog and it talked to me
I saw a horse and it talked to me
I saw a cow and it talked to me
La la la la la la la la la
I went to grandmother's farm
I took a trip to grandmother's farm
What do you 'spose I saw?
I saw a pig and it talked to me
I saw a dog and it talked to me
I saw a horse and it talked to me
I saw a cow and it talked to me
La la la la la la la la la
I went to grandmother's farm