Seventy miles of wind and spray
Seventy miles of water
Seventy miles of open bay--
It's a garbage dump
What's that stinky creek out there
Down behind the slum's back stair
Sludgy puddle, sad and gray?
Why man, that's San Francisco Bay
Big Solano and the Montecelle'
Ferry boats, I know them well
Creek and groan in their muddy graves
Remembering San Francisco Bay
Joe Ortega and the Spanish crew
Sailed across the ocean blue
Came into the mighty Bay
Stood on the decks and cried, "Ole"
Fill it here, fill it here
Docks and tidelands disappear
Shaky houses on the quaky ground
The builder, he's Las Vegas bound
Dump the garbage in the Bay
City fathers say, "Okay
When cries of anguish fill the air
We'll be off on the Riviere."