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Geoffrey Chaucer
Geoffrey Chaucer
Albion Voice (2012)
Alco-Fied (2006)
Weed Song
Geoffrey Chaucer’s “The Canterbury Tales - Prologue”
The Canterbury Tales
The Canterbury Tales (General Prologue) [class page]
The Canterbury Tales (The Knight’s Tale)
The Canterbury Tales (The Miller’s tale)
The Canterbury Tales (The Cook’s Tale)
The Canterbury Tales (The Man of Law’s Tale)
The Canterbury Tales (The Wife of Bath’s Tale)
The Canterbury Tales (The Friar’s Tale)
The Canterbury Tales (The Sompnour’s Tale)
The Canterbury Tales (The Clerk’s Tale Part 1)
The Canterbury Tales (The Clerk’s Tale Part 2)
The Canterbury Tales (The Clerk’s Tale Part 3)
The Canterbury Tales (The Clerk’s Tale Part 4)
The Canterbury Tales (The Clerk’s Tale Part 5)
The Canterbury Tales (The Clerk’s Tale Part 6)
The Canterbury Tales (The Merchant’s Tale )
The Canterbury Tales (The Squire’s Tale Part 1)
The Canterbury Tales (The Squire’s Tale Part 2)
The Canterbury Tales (The Franklin’s Tale)
The Canterbury Tales (The Physician’s Tale)
The Canterbury Tales (The Pardoner’s Tale)
The Canterbury Tales (The Shipman’s Tale)
The Canterbury Tales (The Prioress’s Tale)
The Canterbury Tales (Chaucer’s Tale of Sir Thopas Part 1)
The Canterbury Tales (Chaucer’s Tale of Sir Thopas Part 2)
The Canterbury Tales (Chaucer’s Tale of Meliboeus)
The Canterbury Tales (The Monk’s Tale)
The Canterbury Tales (The Nun’s Priest’s Tale)
The Canterbury Tales (The Second Nun’s Tale)
The Canterbury Tales (The Canon’s Yeoman’s Tale)
The Canterbury Tales (The Manciple’s Tale)
The Canterbury Tales (The Parson’s Tale)
The Canterbury Tales (in Middle English)
The Canterbury Tales: General Prologue
The Knight’s Tale (in Middle English)
The Canterbury Tales: The Miller’s Prologue (in Middle English)
The Canterbury Tales: The Miller’s Tale (in Middle English)
The Reeve’s Prologue (in Middle English)
The Canterbury Tales (The Reeve’s Tale)
The Cook’s Prologue (in Middle English)
The Cook’s Tale (in Middle English)
The Man of Law’s Introduction (in Middle English)
The Man of Law’s Prologue (in Middle English)
The Man of Law’s Tale (in Middle English)
The Man of Law’s Epilogue (in Middle English)
The Wife of Bath’s Prologue (in Middle English)
The Wife of Bath’s Tale (in Middle English)
The Friar’s Prologue (in Middle English)
The Friar’s Tale (in Middle English)
The Summoner’s Prologue (in Middle English)
The Summoner’s Tale (in Middle English)
The Clerk’s Prologue (in Middle English)
The Clerk’s Tale (in Middle English)
The Merchant’s Prologue (in Middle English)
The Merchant’s Epilogue (in Middle English)
The Squire’s Introduction (in Middle English)
The Squire’s Tale (in Middle English)
The Franklin’s Prologue (in Middle English)
The Franklin’s Tale (in Middle English)
The Physician’s Tale (in Middle English)
The Pardoner’s Introduction (in Middle English)
The Pardoner’s Prologue (in Middle English)
The Pardoner’s Tale (in Middle English)
The Shipman’s Tale (in Middle English)
The Prioress’s Prologue (in Middle English)
The Prioress’s Tale (in Middle English)
The Prologue of Sir Thopas (in Middle English)
The Tale of Sir Thopas (in Middle English)
The Tale of Melibee (in Middle English)
The Monk’s Prologue (in Middle English)
The Monk’s Tale (in Middle English)
The Nun’s Priest’s Prologue (in Middle English)
The Nun’s Priest’s Tale (in Middle English)
The Nun’s Priest’s Epilogue (in Middle English)
The Second Nun’s Prologue (in Middle English)
The Second Nun’s Tale (in Middle English)
The Canon’s Yeoman’s Prologue (in Middle English)
The Canon’s Yeoman’s Tale (in Middle English)
The Manciple’s Prologue (in Middle English)
The Manciple’s Tale (in Middle English)
The Parson’s Prologue (in Middle English)
The Parson’s Tale (in Middle English)
Chaucer’s Retraction (in Middle English)
The Canterbury Tales (in Middle English)
The Reeve’s Tale (in Middle English)
The House of Fame
The House of Fame: Book 1
The House of Fame: Book 2
The House of Fame: Book 3
Troilus and Criseyde
Troilus and Criseyde (Book I)
Troilus and Criseyde (Book II)
Troilus and Criseyde (Book III)
Troilus and Criseyde (Book IV)
Troilus and Criseyde (Book V)
Now Welcom Somer
A Balade of Complaint
A Ballad of Gentleness
A Ballad Sent to King Richard
A Rondel of Merciless Beauty - The Original
Against Women Unconstant
Anelida and Arcite
Book Of The Duchesse
Canterbury Tales: The Doctor
Chaucer’s Prophecy
Chaucer’s The Wife of Bath (SP 2016)
Good Counsel of Chaucer
Hide, Absalom, thy guilty tresses clear
La Priere de Nostre Dame
Lak of Stedfastnesse
L’Envoy of Chaucer to Bukton
Merciles Beaute
Rondeau III
Rondel of Merciless Beauty
Since I From Love
The Canterbury Tales, the Prologue
The Canterbury Tales: The Miller’s Tale (Glossed Excerpt)
The Complaint of Chaucer to his Purse
The Complaint unto Pity
The Love Unfeigned
The Nun’s Priest’s Tale
The Pardoner’s Tale - lines 472-488
The Parliament of Foules
The Wife of Bath’s Portrait
The Wife of Bath’s Prologue (Excerpt)
The Wife of Bath’s Prologue (Lines 615-630)
The Wife of Bath’s Tale lines 1240-1254
To Life’s Pilgrim
Troilus’s Song
Welcome, Somer
Ya Don’t Stop
“Englishness” in The General Prologue