Winds of Plague
Classic Struggle
We have long traveled these separate paths
Our own quests to the meaning of life
Low or high all roads end
The only importance is what you have left behind
What do you have to show?
Did you take advantage of being alive?
We cannot control the future of the world if we cannot control ourselves
Free minds spark the fire of progress, birth of an uprising
The power within each and all of you is the power of change
The power to take control
Here we are old friend
Face to face in me I find you, my biggest adversary
The clock is wearing down
Arrangements wearing thin
Masks decompose forcing shadows to the light expose the truth if you have nothing to hide
To my enemies, you stand for everything I live to crush
My reflection manifests in flesh and bone
De-winged, ripped down from the fucking sky
Dragged to dark where the angels dare not tread
I'll see you on the battlefield