I Love to Listen to Your Ideas
When you listen to my ideas
When you listen to my ideas
When we listen to each other's ideas
We show we care

I feel good when I'm heard
You learn what's on my mind
I feel happy when you listen
It's so loving and kind

It shows me that you care
When you hear what I say
And you listen to me too
Caring works both ways

When you listen to my ideas
When you listen to my ideas
When we listen to each other's ideas
We have more fun

When you listеn to me
You're like thе dip on my
The stripes on my
When you listen to me
You're like the cheese on my
The peas in my

When you listen to my ideas
When you listen to my ideas
When we listen to each other's ideas
We have more fun

When you listen to my ideas
When you listen to my ideas
When we listen to each other's ideas
We show we care

I feel good when I'm heard
You learn what's on my mind
I feel happy when you listen
It's so loving and kind

It shows me that you care
When you hear what I say
And you listen to me too
Caring works both ways
When you listen to my ideas
When you listen to my ideas
When we listen to each other's ideas
We show we care

When you listen to me
You're like the dip on my
The stripes on my

When you listen to me
You're like the cheese on my
The peas in my

When you listen to my ideas
When you listen to my ideas
When we listen to each other's ideas
We show that caring is fun