The Airplane Song
Oh, we are flying in an airplane
Looking out the window
Watching the clouds go by
Flying in an airplane
Looking out the window
Up so very high

Looking out the window, we can see the wings
Down below, we see other things
Like little tiny buildings and cars so small
It makes me feel like I'm really tall

Oh, we are flying in an airplane
Looking out the window
Watching the clouds go by
Flying in an airplane
Looking out the window
Up so very high

Pretending I'm a pilot is a lot of fun
I think when I grow up
I really might be one
But for now I'm just enjoying
Being in this plane
Safe from the snow and from the rain
Oh, we are flying in an airplane
Looking out the window
Watching the clouds go by
Flying in an airplane
Looking out the window
Up so very high

Yes, we are flying in an airplane
Looking out the window
Watching the clouds go by
Flying in an airplane
Looking out the window
Up so very high