The Insyderz
Like Drawing Blood From a Baby
My soul crashed down
With the poke of a pin
To drain the vein
Of the life within
The tears streamed down
That precious skin
And I held you close
I soaked you in
All she’s praying for
Is some peace, a smile, a cure
Something we all know
All to well
That panicked scream
That stuttered cry
That gasp for air
Those bloodshot eyes
That tiny stab
That look of fear
That search for hope
Your daddy’s here
Dear God give me peace
As she battles this disease
All glory goes to you
And when we’ve walked through that Fire
With that hope that desire
Let the world see our faith in you
I’m standing there
I can’t do a thing
Praying to God
That He hears me
Please spare this child
From this pain
I’ve earned it all
Put the hurt on me!
Devil I know
That you are there
Better Listen up
Open up your ears
I vow today
That when I die
I’ll hunt you down
Kiss it all Goodbye!