Bomb the Twist
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0!
Come on, bomb the twist!

I wanna dance with you, baby
Come on, bomb the twist!
(Come on baby, bomb the twist)
If you don't dance with me
I'm gonna die!
(Come on baby, bomb the twist)
Baby, my love is bomb
Come on, bomb the twist!
(Come on, come on, come on)
My heart is bopping bop
Come on, bomb the twist!
(Come on baby, bomb the twist)
You push my buttom
Yeah, my bomb the heart!
(Come on baby, bomb the twist)
Baby, my love is bomb
Come on, bomb the twist!
(Come on, come on, come on)

Come on now!
Bomb, the bomb, the bomb, the twist!
Bomb, the bomb, the bomb, the twist!
Bomb, the bomb, the bomb, the twist!
Bomb, the bomb, the bomb, the twist!
Come on baby, come on, bomb the twist!
1, 2, 3, 4!