Finding further frustrations in the fact that my flesh problems ain't fixed is 25 minutes or less. Yes, it's far from sitcoms where Mom is so silly and Dad is so stupid. And every major life lesson ends wit' hugs and laugh tracks. And precocious lil' sisters hit you with a zinger. No, no Zack & Cody, hey Jessie, Good Luck Charlie, and sometimes Cory don't get Topanga. This boy met the world and loved it a lil' too much. I was Breaking Bad wit' Theory, Big Bangin' wit' Mad Men. When the season ended, my House of Cards came crashing. All the desires of my heart led to The Walking Dead. Dang. This really ain't a sprint, is it? Some of us get lost and come crashing on jagged shores. No neat little bow. Everyday we pitch our tent one day closer to eternity. Whether storms of life or aimless drifting in hopeless oceans, the anchor of my soul is the same light on the shore, my peace in the troubled sea. I found my true North. The reason for all songs. The light beam that pierces the fiercest of London fog.