Emma Stone
Superbad (Script)
Cut to black. “Too Hot To Stop” by The Bar-Kays starts playing.



Cut to Seth driving. He calls Evan. Cut to Evan’s kitchen. Evan answers his phone. Scene cuts back and forth between the car and the kitchen.


SETH: Hey, man. I was doing research for next year, and I think I figured out which website I wanna subscribe to. The Vag-Tastic Voyage.

EVAN: Which one is the Vag-Tastic Voyage?

SETH: The Vag-Tastic voyage is the one where they find, like, random girls on the street, and they invite them into a van, and then they bang them once they’re on the van. It’s like thirteen bucks a month, and you get access to a bunch of other sites. Like one's Latina, one's Asian, um, you know, there's one for fetishes, like feet and pee-pee and shit and stuff like that.

EVAN: That's disgusting. You're like an animal.

SETH: I'm… what? I'm disgusting? You're the weird one, man. Don't make me feel weird 'cause I like porn. You're the weird one for not liking porn. I'm normal as shit.

EVAN: Peeing on people. That's normal?

SETH: Evan, I'm not saying I'm gonna look at it. I'm just saying it comes with the site, okay? I don't know what I'm gonna be into ten years from now.

EVAN: I'm just sick of all the amateur stuff, you know? I mean, like, if I'm paying top dollar, I want a little production value, you know? Like some editing, transition, something. Some music.
SETH: Yeah, you know, well, I'm sorry, Evan, that the Coen brothers don't direct the porn that I watch. They're hard to get a hold of, okay?

EVAN: Plus your parents are gonna be looking at the bill, dipshit.

Seth pulls into Evan’s driveway.

SETH: Yeah, you're right. I probably should pick the one with the least dirty sounding name.

Evan exits his house.

EVAN: Uh, what about, like, Perfect Ten? Something like that, you know?

They hang up and continue the conversation in person. Evan gets in the car.

EVAN: Like Perfect Ten? Because that could be any number of things, you know? They can't really get you for that. That could be, like, a bowling website.

SETH: Yeah, but they don't really show dick going in, which is a huge concern.

EVAN: I didn't realize that.

SETH: Plus, have you ever seen a vagina by itself? Not for me.

Evan’s mom comes outside.

JANE: Hi. Thanks for taking him, Seth.
SETH: No, no problem, Jane. How are you?

JANE: Good.

SETH: Beautiful.

Evan reaches for the radio. Seth slaps his hand away.

SETH: Hey, don't touch that.

EVAN: What are you...? I'm not a piece of meat.

JANE: You two are funny. I can't imagine what you're gonna do without each other next year. Evan told me you didn't get into Dartmouth.

SETH: I got into some schools, some pretty good ones. So I'll be fine.

JANE: You gonna miss each other?

EVAN: No. Miss each other? No, thank you. I don't, I don't miss each other.

SETH: Yeah, I'm gonna cry myself to sleep every night.

EVAN: Me too.

SETH: When I'm out partying.
JANE: Go to school, boys.

She walks away.

EVAN: Bye, Mom.

SETH: Bye, Jane. I am truly jealous you got to suck on those tits when you were a baby.

EVAN: Yeah, well, at least you got to suck on your dad's dick.


“Soul Finger” by The Bar-Kays plays. The camera pans from a school bus to a shot of the school. Cut to Seth pulling into the parking lot.

EVAN: Hey, Seth, you can't park in the faculty lot.

SETH: Don't be such a vagine, man. I gotta get a Red Bull before class.

Cut to the pair approaching a store.

EVAN: You know, you're being an idiot, man. You shouldn't have parked there.

SETH: Fuck it. I'm about to graduate. They should be sucking on my ballsack. It's the least they could do for stealing three years of my life.

Cut to inside the store. Seth picks up a copy of an adult magazine.

SETH: Oh, fuck me.

EVAN: Look at those nipples.

SETH: They're like little baby toes.

EVAN: It's just not fair they get to flaunt that stuff, you know? And I have to hide every erection I get.

SETH: You know what I do? I flip my boner up into my waistband. It hides it and it feels awesome. I almost blew a load into my belly button.

EVAN: I mean, just imagine if girls weren't weirded out by our boners and stuff, and just, like, wanted to see them. That's the world I one day wanna live in.

SETH: You know it's been, like, two years since I've seen an actual human female nipple?

They begin walking around the store.

EVAN: Shauna? Shauna was two years ago now?

SETH: Yeah.

EVAN: Yeah, I guess so. But she was insanely hot.

SETH: Exactly. She was too hot, okay? That's what sucks.

EVAN: How can that possibly suck? I'd be psyched if I got with her. You got, like, two dozen handjobs.

SETH: Yes, and three-quarters of a blowjob, but who's counting, Evan? Look, it was the peak of my ass-getting career, and it happened way, way too early.

EVAN: You're like Orson Welles.

SETH: Exactly! If I'd paced myself, I'd be having at least steady sex with a decent-looking girl. I honestly see now why Orson Welles ate his fat ass to death.

EVAN: Well, you'll have sex in college, everyone does.

SETH: Yes, but the point is to be good at sex by the time you get to college. You don't want girls thinking you suck dick at fucking pussy, okay.

EVAN: I still think you have a chance with Jules, man, really. And she got incredibly hot over last summer, and she obviously hasn't realized it yet because she's still always talking to you and flirting with you and stuff.

SETH: Are you out of your mind? Look at Jules' dating record, okay? She dated Dan Remick, who's had a six-pack since, like, kindergarten. Jason Stone, who looks like fucking Zack Morris. And Matt Muir. Matt Muir. He's the sweetest guy ever. Have you ever stared into his eyes? It was like the first time I heard the Beatles. Why would she end her high school career with me?

EVAN: You know, Becca dated Eric Rosecrantz for like two years.

They put their items on the store counter.

SETH: Yeah, but he's a fucking idiot. You're actually a step up from that dick-load. That's why you need to stop being- will you get this for me?

He gestures towards his Red Bull.

SETH: That's why you need to stop being a pussy and nail her, okay?

Evan hands his money to the clerk.

SETH: You could bang her for like two months before you leave. And I'm not gonna dance around it, she looks like a good fucker.

EVAN: All right, I'm tired of you talking about her like that, man.

SETH: What, you can talk about her all day every day and the second I say one thing, it's like blasphemy?

EVAN: Yeah, well, I don't constantly insult her.

They leave the store.

SETH: I'm not trying to insult her. I'm just saying that she looks like a good fucker, okay? She looks like she can take a dick. Some women pride themselves on their dick-taking abilities.

EVAN: Dick-taking abilities? You think that's good to say about someone?

SETH: The fucked-up thing is, I actually do, okay? If some woman tried to compliment me on
my dick-giving abilities, I'd be psyched.

As they walk away from the store, Jesse gets their attention.

JESSE: Hey, yo, Seth.

SETH: What?

JESSE: Did you hear I'm having a big grad party next Saturday?


JESSE: Yeah.

Jesse spits on Seth.

GUY: Oh, shit!

JESSE: You're not coming. Tell your fucking faggot friend he can't come either.

Seth and Evan start walking again.

SETH: So Jesse wanted me to tell you you're a fucking faggot and can't come to his party.

EVAN: You really bitched out back there, man.

SETH: I bitched out? You bitched out, man, you fucking Judas. You fucking left me hanging over there.

EVAN: Did you want me to dive in front of his spit?


Seth runs on the school’s track. He falls behind the rest of his class.

SETH: This is bullshit.

Another student passes Seth.

GUY: Pussy.


As a teacher writes something on the board, Evan looks back at Becca. She catches him staring. He pretends to look elsewhere.

TEACHER: If i equals the square root of negative one then i squared equals negative one. Okay? In other words, if you consider i as a constant, you can then define the square roots of all the negative numbers. So i is an imaginary number. It doesn't really exist. If i equals the square root of negative one, then i squared equals negative one. Is this making-

The bell rings.


Everyone gets up to leave class. Cut to the hallway outside.

GABY: Okay, bye.

Gaby walks away. Becca catches up to Evan.

BECCA: Evan! Evan, hey.

EVAN: Hey, Becca.

BECCA: Hey, thank you for your pen.

EVAN: Oh, no problem. No, no, don't worry. No worries. You just keep it. You won't have to borrow one again because you'll have that one.

BECCA: Thank you so much.

EVAN: You're welcome. Don't worry about it.

BECCA: So I was gonna ask you, did you hear about Jesse's grad party next weekend? It should be fun.

EVAN: I heard, I… It's a maybe.

BECCA: Really?

EVAN: For me at the moment. Just my R.S.V.P.

BECCA: Just a maybe?

EVAN: So far. There's so much other fun shit that's gonna be happening that night that I can't really commit and, you know, hurt someone's feelings.

BECCA: Fun shit? But I never see you at parties or anything.

EVAN: That's because of all the other fun shit I'm off doing. I'd love to be at all of them, but...

BECCA: So why weren't you at Dimitri's on Saturday?

EVAN: There was just so many things going on. I couldn't find a minute to make an appearance-

BECCA: What did you do?

EVAN: -over there. Saturday was a crazy night for me.

As Evan describes the night, we cut through shots of him, Seth, and Fogell hanging out.

EVAN: I had some friends over, we had a few drinks. I hung out in my basement, the chill zone, where we chill-lax. Like "relax" and "chill" all at once. And, Seth's parents were throwing this party. We got to hang around adults, which was a nice change of pace. You know, you converse, you talk to people and they have interesting stories. I talked to a man who claimed he had climbed five mountains in his life.


EVAN: And then we went to a nightclub, which was incredible. This big, fancy one.

SETH: Gonna look at tits right now!

EVAN: “I'm feeling crazy.” I said that.

BECCA: You got in?

EVAN: We got right in.

EVAN: Wanna do this, 'roid monkey?

FOGELL: Fuck you!

EVAN: Then we called it a night. We were all just really exhausted.

SETH: What the fuck?

EVAN: You would've loved it. It was an incredible, unbelievable night.

BECCA: That sounds like a lot of fun. You know, I, I'd love to go do something like that sometime.

EVAN: Oh, who wouldn't? I mean, it was like, me and Seth are always kind of cooking up these fun, sort of, little, you know, events.

BECCA: So I guess you guys are really gonna go crazy next year together.

EVAN: Um, we were going to, but we got into different schools.

BECCA: Really? That sucks.

EVAN: Yeah, I mean, it's not too bad. I mean, it should be okay. Not too worried about it, really. Don't worry about it. I'm not worried at all.

BECCA: All right, well, thank you for the pen.

EVAN: Yeah. No problem. Bye.

The both walk away.

BECCA: Bye. Bye, Evan.


Two students enter the classroom. Cut to Seth talking to Mrs. Hayworth.

SETH: Mrs. Hayworth, I joined this class because I'd be cooking with a partner. But she's never here, and I don't get twice the grades for doing all the work.

MRS. HAYWORTH: I didn't invent odd numbers, Seth.

SETH: I know, but look at Evan, okay? Just look at him.

They look over at Evan and his partner.

EVAN: Don't keep me waiting much longer. I'm getting impatient up here. You know what I'm talking about. Miroki, you're embarrassing me.

SETH: I'm here in my unit, isolated and alone, eating my terrible-tasting food and I gotta look over at that. Looks like the most fun I've ever seen in my life. And it's B.S. Excuse my language. I'm just saying that I wash and dry. I'm like a single mother. Look, we all know Home Ec is a joke, no offense. It’s just like, everyone takes this class to get an A. It's bullshit, and I'm sorry. I'm not putting down your profession, but it's just the way I feel. I don't wanna sit here all by myself cooking this shitty food. No offense. And I just think that I don't ever need to cook tiramisu. When am I gonna need to cook tiramisu? Am I gonna be a chef? No. There's three weeks left in school. Give me a fucking break. I'm sorry for cursing.

MRS. HAYWORTH: All right, Jules' partner isn't here today either. Pair up with her. Station four.

She walks away.

SETH: Jules? All right. I'll give it another shot. I'll give Home Ec another shot.

He looks over at Jules. Cut to a montage of Jules and Seth working together. Seth looks over at Evan and Miroki. They both engage in antics to make each other laugh.

SETH: Yeah, Hayworth won’t notice this if we cover it with chocolate.

JULES: The whole thing?

SETH: Just dump it on. I'm serious.

JULES: Okay.

SETH: And now it looks professional.

JULES: That's really impressive. It's beautifully done.

SETH: I think we're gonna get an A.

JULES: So, what are you doing tonight?

SETH: Probably nothing, why?

JULES: I don't know. My parents are out of town so I was thinking about having, like, a party. You know, I don't really know how many people are gonna be there but you could stop by if you wanted to.

SETH: Yeah, I love parties.

JULES: Really? I just don't really ever see you at them.

SETH: You know, it's a love-hate thing. So, like, you know, right now, I really love them, though. Yeah.

EVAN: Good shit, right, Miroki? Yeah.

Seth runs over to Evan.

SETH: Hey, Miroki, could we have a minute alone? Just- thanks.

Miroki walks away.

SETH: Dude, Jules is having a fucking party.

Fogell enters the classroom.


SETH: Don't tell Fogell about the party.

FOGELL: Gangsters. what's up, guys? I was just walking down the hall and Nicola was right in front of me. She's wearing these tight white pants with this black G-string and you could see right through the pants, man. It was so sweet.

Cut to a flashback of Fogell following Nicola. She turns around to him. He looks at his watch.

FOGELL: Uh, It's 10:33.


He turns and walks away. Cut back to the classroom.

FOGELL: I told her what time it was.

SETH: That's the coolest fucking story I've ever heard in my entire life! That’s insane. Can I hear it again? You have time?

FOGELL: Yeah, yes, Seth. I'm really gonna miss your knee-slappers when me and Evan are at Dartmouth.

SETH: Yeah, well, while you guys are at Dartmouth, I'll be at State, where the girls are half as smart and twice as likely to fellash me.

FOGELL: What are you guys doing tonight? Asshole.

EVAN: We got nothing. Nothing tonight, Fogell.

FOGELL: No? well, if nothing comes up, we can get shitfaced again, yeah? I mean, you're always calling me a pussy and whatnot, but today you're wrong. At lunch, I'm going to the same place Mike Snider went to pick up my brand-new fake ID. Chica, chica yeah. Fake ID. Fake ID. I'm tight.

SETH: That's insane. 'Cause Evan was like, "I heard about this party. we shouldn't tell Fogell about it." And I was like, "No, we should totally tell Fogell." And that way you could buy us booze now. It's awesome.

FOGELL: Yeah, sure, I'll buy the booze, man. Yeah, we're gonna get our drinks on. We're gonna party and get crunk and rock out, dude.

MRS. HAYWORTH: If you're not in this class, leave this class. Fogell! Hi.

FOGELL: Okay. I’m gonna go.

He leaves.

EVAN: Well done, man. Seriously. See you after class.

SETH: You tell that idiot you're not rooming with him next year?

EVAN: Not yet.

SETH: All right, well, you better. That guy's the fucking anti-poon.

Jules walks over.

JULES: Seth, it's dishes time, what's the holdup?

SETH: We're getting a fake ID, so… it's not like a big deal.


SETH: Not a big thing.


Evan and Seth sit across from each other eating lunch.

EVAN: Well, at least we're getting a graduation party. Thank God, man.

SETH: Oh, I'm excited. I would do terrible, disgusting things to hook up with Jules. Unforgivable things.

EVAN: I hear you, man. I'd give my middle nut to start dating Becca.

SETH: Becca's a bitch.

EVAN: You know what? I'm seriously getting fucking sick of you talking about her like that, frankly, if we can be honest with each other.

SETH: Me too.

EVAN: Like, why do you hate her so much? You've never given me a reason. I’m starting to just think that you like her.

SETH: Fuck no, man! I hate Becca.

EVAN: Why, man?

SETH: Fine, Evan. Here it comes. When I was a little kid, I kind of had this problem. And it's not even that big of a deal. Something like 8 percent of kids do it, but whatever. It's... For some reason, I don't know why, I would just kind of sit around all day and draw pictures of dicks.

EVAN: What?

SETH: Draw pictures of dicks.

EVAN: Dicks? Like a man dick?

SETH: Yeah. Like a man dick.

As Seth narrates, we cut to a flashback of a young Seth drawing dicks.

SETH: I'd just sit there for hours on end, drawing dicks. I don't know what it was. I couldn't touch the pen to paper without drawing the shape of a penis.

EVAN: That's fucked.

SETH: No shit, it's really fucked up. Here I am, this little kid and I can't stop drawing dicks
to save my own life.

EVAN: All right. I mean, I just don't see what this has to do with Becca.

SETH: Just listen. Okay? Your precious little Becca sat next to me for all of fourth grade. And in the classroom is where I did the majority of my illustrations. I was very secretive about this whole dick operation I had going on. Even I thought I was fucking crazy. Imagine what everyone else would think. So I would stash all of my dick drawings in this Ghostbusters lunchbox that I had. So one day I'm finishing up this real big, veiny, triumphant bastard. All of a sudden…

A kid knocks Seth’s notebook off of his desk and next to Becca.

KID: Pussy!

EVAN: You hit Becca's foot with your dick?

SETH: Yeah. I know.

YOUNG BECCA: Oh, my God!

SETH: She starts crying. She flips out. And she rats me out to the principal. He finds this Ghostbusters lunchbox dick treasure chest and he fucking flips out. He calls in my parents. Turns out this principal is some religious fanatic and he thinks I'm possessed by some dick devil. My parents make me see some therapist, and he's asking me dick questions. They literally made me stop eating foods that were shaped like dicks. No hot dogs, no popsicles. You know how many foods are shaped like dicks? The best kinds.

The flashbacks end.

EVAN: Yeah. Well, I don't… That's really messed up. Super gay.

SETH: All right, let's stop this madness. Let's just go get some dessert.

EVAN: No, I can't, I gotta go meet my counselor. I'm picking out my classes for next year.

Evan stands up.

SETH: What, so I gotta sit and eat dessert alone, like I'm fucking Steven Glanzberg?

EVAN: I gue- Yeah, I mean, what do you want me to do?

SETH: I don't know. Nothing. It's fine.

EVAN: Relax, man. I'll see you later.

SETH: That's fine. I'll be fine.

Evan leaves. A passing teen pushes Seth’s stuff off of the table.

TEEN: Hey, pussy.

SETH: Fuck off.


Jules, Nicola, and another girl stand talking. Seth walks nearby.

JULES: Just the one. Just the one. Not both.

NICOLA: So I'll call Andy and Greg.

JULES: Okay.

NICOLA: And I'll bring the '80s dance music.

Nicola leaves. Jules spots Seth.

JULES: Seth! Hi. There you are. We were just talking about you.

SETH: Here I am.

JULES: That's weird. So you're coming to my party tonight? 'Cause it's, like, fully on.

SETH: Yeah, why? Should I not come? Because I could think of other shit-

JULES: Oh, no. No. I want you to come, I just, um… You said something earlier about, like, a fake ID or something, right?

SETH: Yeah, I'm gonna get one. For sure, for sure. I'm getting that for sure.

FRIEND: Can you get us booze?

SETH: Yeah. I can. I can get you guys alcohol.

JULES: Really? Seriously?

SETH: Yes, for sure.

JULES: Oh, that would be awesome. Thank you. Because, you know, we’re worried about that. That would be great. Plus, you know, you scratch our backs, we'll scratch yours.

SETH: Well, Jules, the funny thing about my back is that it's located on my cock.

Seth and Jules laugh.

SETH: So you do want alcohol? You want some sort of alcohol or no? You do or you don't? You do want alcohol.

JULES: Um, yeah.

SETH: Either way.

JULES: Well-

SETH: Either way. Either way's fine.

JULES: This is actually kind of a big favor. Because my parents left me like a hundred bucks to feed myself for the week. But the house is full of food, so I just thought I'd spend it all on, you know, extra drinks for the party, so...

SETH: Yeah, that's really nice. I don't think I've ever done anything that nice.

JULES: It's cool?

SETH: Yeah.

JULES: Okay. Thank you.

FRIEND: Awesome.

JULES: I mean, seriously, that's really…

FRIEND: Thanks.

JULES: That's nice of you. Thank you.

SETH: So should I just get a shitload of different shit?

FRIEND: Well, you gotta get me some Kyle's Killer Lemonade.

SETH: Kyle's Killer Lemonade. That's kind of gay, but I can get it for you.

JULES: So, um, okay, so then we will see you tonight.


Evan is on the soccer field during gym class.

TEACHER: Go to the ball, guys. Evan. Get into the game.

EVAN: Kick it over to me.

Seth runs onto the field.

TEACHER: Seth! Get off the field!

EVAN: Dude, get out of here. They're gonna make me run laps again.

SETH: Just fucking listen, okay? Jules and her stupid fucking friend came up to me and they asked me to buy her alcohol. But not just her, for her whole party. You know what that means? By some divine miracle, we were paired up and she actually thought of me. Thought of me enough to decide that I was the guy she would trust with the whole fun-ness of her party. She wants to fuck me. She wants my dick in or around her mouth.

EVAN: Did you think that maybe she's using you to get her alcohol? She doesn't want your dick.

SETH: No, she's got an older brother. And she could have asked him, but she asked me. She looked me in the eyes and said, "Seth, mama’s making a pubic salad, and I need some Seth's Own dressing." She's D.T.F. She's down to fuck, man. P in vagi. She wants to fuck, man. Tonight is the night that fucking is an actual possibility.

EVAN: You just sound like an idiot. You're not gonna be able to sleep with her, man.

SETH: No. Dude, I know I talk a lot of shit, okay? But she's gonna be at the party, and she's gonna be drunk, and she likes me at least a little, enough to get with me. At the very least, I'll make out with her. Two weeks, handjob. Month, blowjob. whatever, whatever. And then I make her my girlfriend. And I've got, like, two solid months of sex. By the time college rolls around, l'll be like the Iron Chef of pounding vag.

EVAN: Okay, can you just get out of here and we’ll talk about this later?

GREG: What the fuck, Evan? We're down two points.

EVAN: Fucking calm down, Greg. It's soccer. It's soccer.

GREG: Fuck you, man.

SETH: Hey, Greg, why don't you go piss your pants again?

GREG: That was, like, eight years ago, asshole.

SETH: People don't forget. Do you wanna hear the best part? Becca. You do the same thing with her. When you guys are shitfaced at the party, you get with her. This is our last party as high school people. I've fully ignored my hatred for Becca in coming up with this plan.

EVAN: I should buy Becca alcohol?

SETH: Yeah, it'll be pimp. That way you know she'll be drunk. You know when girls saying, like, "I was so shitfaced last night. I shouldn't have fucked that guy." We could be that mistake!

EVAN: Have you talked to Fogell?

SETH: All right, you talk to Becca. I'll talk to that retard, Fogell. Don't worry.

Seth runs off the field.

TEACHER: Seth, get off the field!

Seth kicks a ball.

SETH: Goal!

TEACHER: You're getting that!

SETH: No, I'm not!


Evan approaches Becca in the hallway.

EVAN: Hey, Becca. Hey, hold up.

BECCA: Oh, hey.

EVAN: Hey. Hi. Did you hear about the party tonight?

BECCA: Yeah. Yeah, I just heard. It sounds awesome.

EVAN: Yeah. Yeah, I'm going.

BECCA: Really?

EVAN: Yeah, I'm gonna go to it. That's actually why I came looking for you. Me and the guys are gonna go to a liquor store after class. And I just thought, you know, if you needed someone to get you yours, I could do that. I could be that person.

BECCA: Yeah. Um, yeah, no, that would be great. That would save me such a hassle, because I was gonna beg my sister, but... Could you get me, like, a bottle of Goldslick Vodka?

EVAN: Yeah. That's the one with the little golden flakes in it?

BECCA: Yeah. The girly one.

EVAN: That's classy.

BECCA: Well, I'll pay you back at the party.

EVAN: No, no, no, you won't. No, it's my treat, miss.

BECCA: Really?

EVAN: Yep. And that's that. It's the first of many too, so get used to it, sister.

BECCA: Oh, well, thank you.

EVAN: Yeah, no problem.

Evan raises his hand. Someone behind him bumps into him, causing Evan to hit Becca’s boob.

EVAN: I'm sorry. That guy walked by. It was an accident.

BECCA: It's okay.

EVAN: I was gonna give you like a nudge, a punch, the friend thing.

BECCA: It’s okay.

EVAN: I didn't mean, I’m sorry-

Gaby approaches.

GABY: Hey, Becca.

BECCA: Oh, hey.

GABY: Hey.

BECCA: Gaby.

GABY: What's up, Evan?

EVAN: Hey, Gaby.

GABY: We should get to class.

BECCA: We're gonna go to class, so I will see you tonight.

EVAN: Okay.

BECCA: Really, don't worry.

EVAN: Okay. Sorry.

Becca and Gaby walk away.


EVAN: Sorry. Bye. Sorry.


Seth stands at the bottom of some stairs. Evan approaches him.

SETH: Where is that sack of shit, Fogell? He said he'd be here after lunch. I'm sitting here with my thumb up my ass.

EVAN: I did it, dude. I even offered to pay for it. It was pimp. I’m like, I feel like a pimp right now. Like one of those pimps.

SETH: That is fucking pimp.

EVAN: That's what I was afraid of.

SETH: Why didn't I think of that? Shit. Sh- we're screwed. Okay? We're screwed.

Cut to Evan and Seth in the school’s workshop.

SETH: This is what we get for trusting Fogell, okay? He pussied out. I know it Evan. He fucking pussied out.

Cut to Seth and Evan walking together outside.

SETH: How'd he get into Dartmouth? I don't get it. He's got shit for brains. All right, how else can we get alcohol?

Fogell approaches them.

FOGELL: Yo, guys! what's up?

EVAN: Fogell, where have you been, man?

SETH: You almost gave me a goddamn heart attack. Let me see it. Did you pussy out, or what?

FOGELL: No, no, man. I got it. It's flawless. Check it.

He hands them his fake ID.

EVAN: Hawaii?

FOGELL: Uh huh.

EVAN: All right, that's good. It's hard to trace, I guess. Wait, you changed your name to McLovin?


EVAN: McLovin? What kind of a stupid name is that, Fogell? You trying to be an Irish R&B singer?

FOGELL: No, they let you pick any name you want when you get down there.

SETH: And you landed on McLovin?

FOGELL: Yeah, it was between that or Mohammad.

SETH: Why the fuck would it be between that or Mohammad? Why not just pick a common name like a normal person?

FOGELL: Mohammad is the most commonly used name on Earth. Read a fucking book for once.

EVAN: Fogell, have you ever actually met anyone named Mohammad?

FOGELL: Have you actually ever met anyone named McLovin?

SETH: No, that's why you picked a dumb fucking name.

FOGELL: Fuck you.

SETH: Give me that. All right. You look like a future pedophile in this picture, number one. Number two, it doesn't even have a first name. It just says McLovin!

EVAN: What? One name? One name? who are you, Seal?

SETH: Fogell, this ID says you're 25 years old. Why wouldn't you just put 21, man?

FOGELL: Seth, Seth, Seth. Listen up, ass-face. Every day, hundreds of kids go into the liquor store with their fake IDs and every single one says they're 21. How many 21-year-olds you think there are in this town? It's called fucking strategy, all right?

EVAN: Let's stay calm, okay? Let's not lose our heads. It's a fine ID. It'll- It's gonna work. It's passable, okay? This isn't terrible. I mean, it's up to you, Fogell. This guy's either gonna think, "Here's a kid with a fake ID,” or, "Here's McLovin, the 25-year-old Hawaiian organ donor." Okay? So, what's it gonna be?

FOGELL: I am McLovin.

SETH: No, you're not. No one's McLovin. McLovin's never existed because that's a made-up, dumb, fucking fairy-tale name, you fuck!

They begin walking away.

FOGELL: Jeez, man. It'll work. Give it a chance.

SETH: Did you move my... where is my car?

EVAN: Oh, my God, man. Didn’t I tell you? What did I say to you? I told you not to park here.

FOGELL: Why would you park in the staff parking lot?

SETH: Shut the fuck up, Fogell.

FOGELL: I mean, because you're not staff.

SETH: I know that, Fagell! I know that! Evan, let's go to your house.

They leave.

FOGELL: Wait, are you guys still picking me up from work? Can you answer me?


Cut to an establishing shot of Evan’s house. Cut to inside. Evan plays video games while Seth tries on clothes.

SETH: Man, don't you have any non-infant clothes? It'll be fine.

EVAN: Yeah, and why don't you just wear what you wore to school?

SETH: No, I can't do that. I can't let Jules see me in what I wore to school. It's completely unbecoming. No one's gotten a handjob in cargo shorts since Nam.

EVAN: You know why I have to kill these guys? 'Cause you don't negotiate with terrorists.

SETH: Oh, really?

EVAN: Terrorism.

SETH: Yeah, that's what we should be talking about right now.

EVAN: Then why don't you go to your house and get some of your own clothes?

SETH: No. That's the dumbest thing ever. If I go home, my parents will see that my car's been towed and I'll be grounded.

EVAN: God, these fucking terrorists multiply like bunnies. Where did I leave the M16?

SETH: Do you have any bigger clothes or do you only shop at babyGap?

EVAN: Fuck me. I can't… That's fun. Why do they make that? If you can't even win, then why am I fucking playing? Do you wanna go see what my dad has?


“Bustin’ Out (On Funk)” by Rick James plays. Cut to Seth and Evan getting off the bus. The approach Fogell as he gets out of work.

SETH: What the hell is that?

FOGELL: It's a fucking vest, dumbass. I'm trying to look older.

SETH: You look like Pinocchio.

EVAN: No, it's just a vest.

SETH: You know, they got a lot of booze in there. If we get it now, we can get to the party faster with all Jules's shit.

FOGELL: No way, man. I work there. They know I'm not 25.

SETH: Nobody said anything about you, dick-mouth. You really fucked me on this one. So now I'm gonna steal the booze.

FOGELL: Don’t, don't do this. I promise you I'll get the liquor later. Mike Snider's ID always works. So will mine, man.

SETH: Mike Snider's ID doesn't have one fucking name on it! Okay? I thought you Dartmouth guys would be smart enough to understand that. Now Seth's gotta pick up all the pieces.

Seth walks towards the store.

EVAN: He won't do it. Don't worry.

FOGELL: Oh, I forgot to tell you, my mom said we can have the TV from the basement-

EVAN: Shut the fuck up, man, he's gonna hear you. Just be quiet. Wait until he goes away.

FOGELL: You still haven't told him that we're rooming together?

EVAN: Fogell, shut the fuck up. And take off your vest. You look like Aladdin.

FOGELL: Okay. You got it.

Cut to inside the store. Seth eyes the security guard. He passes an old lady in the liquor aisle. He imagines checking out with the clerk.

SETH: Hope piggy can run.

CLERK: How old are you?

SETH: Twenty-two.

CLERK: You certainly are. That'll be 80 dollars.

SETH: Oh, okay. Thank you kindly. will that do?

He gives the clerk an $80 bill.

CLERK: Certainly will. Thank you, Seth.

SETH: Hey, thank you.

He then imagines the woman in front of him dropping her purse. He picks it up for her.

SETH: Oh, you dropped your purse, ma'am. Would you like some help with your groceries?

WOMAN: Well, that would be lovely, young man. Would you like me to buy you alcohol?

SETH: That would be lovely.

He holds bags of liquor while she leaves.

SETH: Enjoy your remaining years.

WOMAN: I will. Enjoy fucking Jules.

SETH: I will.

He then imagines stealing some liquor.

COP: Don't do it, kid.

SETH: I never had a choice.

He imagines getting in a fight with the cop, during which the old woman is killed.

SETH: You fucking killed her! No!

The cop kills Seth. Cut back outside as Seth approaches Evan and Fogell.

FOGELL: Where's all the stolen liquor, Danny Ocean? Did you hide it up your butt?

SETH: Piss off! I was gonna do it, but there was a security breach. You never would've done it. Let's go to a liquor store and watch your stupid ID get rejected.

FOGELL: Wait, I'm gonna go put my vest back in my locker.


The trio sits on the bus. Cut to them exiting and approaching a liquor store.

EVAN: All right. Here we are. This is it. You ready?


EVAN: Yeah?

SETH: Here's the money and the list.

EVAN: Change is yours. Keep the change.

FOGELL: Thank you. what's the list for?

EVAN: The alcohol.

SETH: We're gonna get alcohol for the whole party, okay? We put a lot of time into this list, so don't fuck it up and get sambuca again.

EVAN: It's perfect.

FOGELL: Ouzo, bourbon, spiced rum, Goldslick...

EVAN: Goldslick Vodka. That's for Becca. Don't forget that, okay?

FOGELL: Raspberry vodka, Scotch...

SETH: Oh, and Kyle's Killer Lemonade. A six-pack.

FOGELL: This is, this is a lot of stuff, man. I don't know if I can get away with all this.

EVAN: What difference does it make, how much it is?

FOGELL: I don't know, man. I'm, like, really nervous.

EVAN: Are you okay?

FOGELL: No, man. I should have wore the vest. Oh, no.

EVAN: Calm down.

SETH: What the fuck are you doing?

FOGELL: What if I go in there and they turn me down, man?

SETH: Then we're in the same exact place that we're in right now.

EVAN: Who cares?

FOGELL: It's fucking humiliating! Everybody in the store sees them kicking me out. What if they make me put the liquor back on the shelf? I can't do that.

EVAN: Oh, my God.

SETH: This whole thing is bigger than you, Fogell! So grow a pair of nuts and fucking walk in there and buy the alcohol!

FOGELL: What if I don't feel like it anymore, Seth? What?

SETH: Then I'll fucking kill you, okay? I’ll get a knife and stab you through your fucking heart.

EVAN: No, you can do this, man. Come on.

FOGELL: Killing me won't get you alcohol, jerk off. I'm the one with the fake ID.

SETH: Well, then I'll cut your dumb little fucking face off throw it over mine and get your ID and buy it my fucking self!

FOGELL: Oh, really? You don't have the technology or the steady hands to pull off a procedure like that, so ha! Peace.

Seth pushes him.

EVAN: Fogell, just be cool, man. Get in and get out. You're the hero.

Cut to Fogell entering the store. He nervously shuffles around. He accidentally drops a six pack of beer on the floor. An employee approaches.

EMPLOYEE: Is there a problem here, sir?

FOGELL: No. No problem whatsoever.

EMPLOYEE: Sir, did you do this? On the floor?

FOGELL: No. And you should really clean this up. Someone could really hurt themselves.

Fogell walks away.

EMPLOYEE: Fuck my life.

Cut back outside to Evan and Seth.

SETH: We're so fucked. We're so fucked. This plan's been fucked since Jump Street.

EVAN: Okay, just calm down. Just calm down, all right? Hey, so did you bring a condom for tonight?

SETH: You brought a condom with you?

EVAN: Yeah. I figured I might as well, you know? I brought a little bottle of spermicidal lube too.

SETH: But you laughed in my face when I said I'd be having sex tonight.

EVAN: Yeah, that doesn't mean you shouldn't just always be prepared. You didn't even bring a condom?

SETH: No. No, Evan, that wasn't part of the plan. I can’t believe you did this without consulting with me about it.

EVAN: Why are you talking about a plan? We've never discussed, like, any plan, but you keep saying we have a plan.

SETH: I had, like, a general outline. You know? I was gonna go down on her for, like, several hours, okay? She would love that. She'd be smitten by that. She'd go out with that. Or I dry hump the shit out of her leg.

EVAN: Okay, well, I just, I don't see the harm in bringing one little condom.

SETH: And one little bottle of spermicidal lube?

EVAN: Yeah, one little bottle of spermicidal lube.

SETH: Evan, that's psycho shit, man.

EVAN: No, it's not.

SETH: That's, like, Charles Manson shit. What, do you think Becca's gonna be psyched that you brought a bottle of lube? "Oh, Evan. Thank you for bringing that lube for my pussy. I never would've been able to handle your fucking 4-inch dick inside my pussy without that gigantic bottle of lube."

EVAN: Okay, that's-

SETH: Fuck.

EVAN: That's enough.

SETH: These girls are 18 years old, they're not dried-up old ladies. They're good to go.

EVAN: Then I won't bring the lube.

Cut back into the store. Fogell puts the alcohol on the counter.

FOGELL: Hello, Mindy.

She scans some of the items.

FOGELL: I love that stuff. Been drinking it for years. You know, I heard they recently decided to add more hops to it.

MINDY: Um, okay. I'm gonna need to see some identification.

FOGELL: Really? Makes me feel young again.

He shows her the ID. Cut back to Seth and Evan.

SETH: Oh, shit, it's Cary Hutchins. She had the biggest tits I've ever seen.

EVAN: Yeah, I heard she got breast-reduction surgery.

SETH: What? Making your tits smaller? That's like slapping God across the face for giving you a gorgeous gift.

EVAN: She had back problems, man. And it's not just making them smaller. They completely reshape them. They make them more supple and symmetrical.

SETH: I gotta catch a glimpse of these warlocks. Let's make a move.

They run to Cary.

EVAN: She's going around the corner.

SETH: Come on!

Cut back into the store.

MINDY: Okay. Your total is 96.59.

A man enters the store and punches Fogell across the face. He takes some money out of the register and runs.

MINDY: I don't believe it! Are you okay, mister?

FOGELL: What the shit was that?

MINDY: I don't believe it. I don't believe it. I don't believe it.

Cut back to Evan and Seth returning to the parking lot.

SETH: I don't know, man. I think she looked better before.

EVAN: But now that she can jog comfortably, she's in the best shape she's ever… What is this? What's that?

They see a cop car outside the liquor store.

SETH: Oh, man.

They look inside the store window and see the cops talking to Fogell and Mindy.

EVAN: Holy shit, they busted Fogell.

SETH: How did this happen, Evan? Fuck, man!

EVAN: His dad's gonna fucking kill him.

Cut back into the store.

MINDY: Look, okay? He assaulted the customer, grabbed the cash and ran out.



SLATER: How, how...

MICHAELS: Say when, height-wise.

SLATER: I'm gonna start up here, just tell me when.

MICHAELS: I'll start on the bottom and...

MINDY: When. Whatever 5'10" is, he was 5'10".

SLATER: Ethnically, I mean, did, what, um… I mean, was he… Was he like us, or...

MINDY: A woman?


MINDY: Female?


MINDY: Is that what you're asking?

SLATER: No, no.


SLATER: Like...

MINDY: What? What?

MICHAELS: African?

SLATER: Af- African?

MINDY: Was he African?

MICHAELS: African.

MINDY: No. He was American, and he was like you. He looked just like you.

MICHAEL: He was Jewish. Okay, Jew. It's an odd crime for a Jew to commit.

SLATER: They're pretty docile.

MICHAELS: Okay, so we have an African Jew wearing a hoodie.

MINDY: Look, I can't do this. I told you already, I have an exam tomorrow. Can you understand that? I have a goddamn veterinary exam! Goddamnit. This is bullshit. This is some bullshit. I got an exam tomorrow. Forget this.

Mindy leaves.

SLATER: Well, apparently someone has an exam.

MICHAELS: How'd you know?

SLATER: You. You're the one that got punched?


MICHAELS: Okay. First things first. What is your name?

FOGELL: Uh. My name? It's M... McLov... McLovin.



SLATER: Now, what's your first name?


SLATER: Your first name.

FOGELL: My first name? Technically I don't have a first name, so don't worry about my first name.

MICHAELS: But we're the police.

SLATER: We just wanna get the story straight.

Cut back to Seth and Evan, who leave.

SETH: Come on.

EVAN: Fuck, man.

SETH: Come on!

EVAN: He must be so afraid.

SETH: I don't believe this bullshit. I can't believe this is happening! I didn't even know you could get arrested for this shit. We need that liquor.

EVAN: Are they gonna, like, take him downtown, or something?

SETH: Fuck Fogell. He got arrested, okay? We're on our own. We need a new way to get liq… Ah, fuck! The money, man! Fuck! How much money can you get?

EVAN: Why are you talking about money, man? What about Fogell?

SETH: That doesn't matter anymore. I lost a hundred dollars of Jules' money. What are we gonna do, bust him out of jail? I’m gonna bake him a cake with a fucking file in it? Fuck Fogell. we need a new way to get liquor, which is fucking impossible because we don’t have any money. Fuck!

EVAN: All right, you just need to calm down. We need to think for a second. We just need to think this out.

SETH: Fuck thinking, we need to act!

Seth gets hit by a car.

EVAN: Woah, Seth!

SETH: What the fuck happened?

EVAN: Just, just get up. Slowly. You all right? You okay?

Francis gets out of the car. Evan helps Seth up.

FRANCIS: I am so sorry, man. I am so sorry. I didn't even effing see you at all, man. Are you okay?

Cut back into the store.

SLATER: So it's just McLovin?


MICHAELS: That's badass.

SLATER: That is badass.

MICHAELS: Really cool.

SLATER: That’s a badass name.


SLATER: Lot of people with weird names nowadays.

MICHAELS: Chingy. Shakira. Rafe. Pax.

SLATER: We arrested a man-lady who was legally named "Fuck."

MICHAELS: Think he was Vietnamese, it was with a PH. But it's still pretty shocking to see on a license. Okay, and how old are you, McLovin?

FOGELL: Old enough.

SLATER: Old enough for what?

FOGELL: To party.

MICHAELS: Can I see your ID?

FOGELL: Yeah, I think I have it.

He hands them his ID. They look at it for a moment and whisper to each other.

SLATER: You're an organ donor.


SLATER: I didn't wanna be one, but my wife insisted.

MICHAELS: I always give him shit for it too. All the time. I say, "It's just like a woman. Even after you're dead they wanna tear your heart out."

SLATER: They wanna tear your…

MICHAELS: I say it weekly and it's still funny.

SLATER: It still makes me laugh.

MICHAELS: Really funny.

SLATER: There you go.

FOGELL: I'm sorry, guys. I don't really have any information. He just kind of hit me, and I didn't really see what he looked like. I don't know if I can help you.

MICHAELS: You in a hurry, or something?

FOGELL: Yeah, kind of had to catch that bus.

SLATER: Where were you headed?

FOGELL: Uh, near 13th and Granville.

SLATER: We can take you there. Get your information on the way.

FOGELL: No, you don’t have to.

MICHAELS: Why waste 2 bucks?

SLATER: We'll take you. No problem.

Cut back to Seth and Evan talking to Francis.

FRANCIS: Please, please don't report me, man. We can figure this out, right? We can figure this out, right?

SETH: Why the fuck wouldn't I report you? You just hit me with your car.

FRANCIS: I'm gonna be totally honest with you. I have a warrant out for a totally nonviolent crime. Okay? There. Mercy Street, guys.

SETH: Well, I'll be honest with you for a second.


SETH: You better get us a shitload of cash, or a shitload of alcohol, or you're going to fucking prison.

EVAN: What are you doing, man? That’s…


Francis takes out his wallet.

EVAN: You don't need to- No, let's not, let's hang on a second here.

SETH: Cough it up.


EVAN: I don't know if we should be doing anything official.

FRANCIS: Just take it, just take it, okay?

Francis hands Seth some money.

SETH: Seven dollars? What the fuck, man. This isn't
enough. What are you, six years old?

FRANCIS: It's all I have, man. It's all I have.

SETH: Well, you better think of something quickly, all right? Ah, my back! My back! Cops, my back.

FRANCIS: No, no, no. wait, don't do that. All right, listen. You want booze? I can get you alcohol. Bro, I'm on my way to a party right now, okay? There’s like, tons of liquor there, all right? And I can, I can definitely get you, like, tons of liquor. Like, so much liquor, so.

EVAN: Just give me one sec to talk to him.

SETH: Stay right here.

FRANCIS: Just talk it out. Hey, I'm a nice guy.

EVAN: I don't like this idea at all. This guy's fucking creepy, man. Look at him.

SETH: What? He looks like a guy. That's what guys look like. What is your problem?

FRANCIS: You guys know a guy named Jimmy? You totally look like his brother. You totally look like his brother, man. You do.

SETH: You promised Becca you'd get her alcohol. If you don't, she's gonna have a shitty night. That's all I'm saying. Come on.

Cut to Slater, Michaels, and Fogell leaving the store.

MICHAELS: Good luck on your exam tomorrow.

SLATER: Good luck on your exam. You don't wanna ride the bus, anyway.

MICHAELS: Buses smell like piss, generally. You know why?


MICHAELS: People piss on them.


Francis sits in the driver’s seat while Seth and Evan sit in the back.

FRANCIS: You know, one of you bros could've come up and sat up with me.

SETH: We're fine back here.

EVAN: Back's fine.

SETH: Safe in the back seat.

Seth gets a call from Jules. Cut back and forth between Jules’s house and the car.

SETH: Oh. Oh, my God.

EVAN: What's up?

SETH: Hey, Jules.

FRANCIS: Who is it? Who's on the phone?

JULES: Seth. Hey, where are you?

SETH: I'm in a cab right now, on the way to a liquor store.

JULES: Oh, yeah. Good. I can't wait for you to get here.

SETH: Well, I hope your friends are ready to get fucked up.

Francis goes for a high five. Neither Seth nor Evan go for it.

JULES: I'm sure they will be. Okay, I'll see you soon.

SETH: Peace. Oh, man! Dude, this is crazy. She called, she said, "I can't wait for you to get there."

FRANCIS: That sounds like she fully wants it, man! Oh, yeah! Who's gonna give it to her, huh,
my man? You, that's who. Man. You guys on MySpace? Or…


“Why Do I Cry” by The Remains plays. Cut to the cop car.

FOGELL: Um, officers? I can answer those questions now if you want me to.

SLATER: We get the gist of it. You were buying beer, some guys punched you. Don't worry about it. We're not gonna find them.

MICHAELS: Case closed.

FOGELL: But it was only-

The light ahead of them turns red.

MICHAELS: Oh, whoop.

They turn on their police lights and go through the red light.

FOGELL: But it was only one guy.

SLATER: Only one guy? Shit. How am I supposed to find one guy in the whole county?

MICHAELS: This job really isn't how, you know, shows like CSI make it out to be. When I first joined the force, I assumed there was semen on everything, and there was some, like, huge semen database that had every bad guy's semen in it. There isn't. That doesn't exist. It'd be nice. Like that crime scene today. If the man had ejaculated and then punched you in the face, we'd have a real good shot at catching him.

SLATER: No way.

MICHAELS: Just punched in the face, no semen.

SLATER: No semen.

MICHAELS: Story of my life.


They turn on their lights to go through another red light.

SLATER: Michaels here, he's six months in. He's young, but the Force is strong with this one. Learning you are, young padawan.

MICHAELS: Thank you very much.

SLATER: That's Yoda.

MICHAELS: Are you familiar with Yoda?

SLATER: From Attack of the Clones?

WOMAN ON PA: We have a 245 at East 24 and Montgomery, Bailey's Bar and Grill.

SLATER: Car 98 on it. See, Michaels, you always take a call at a bar because, uh, better or worse, you get a beer out of it.


SLATER: Pretty sweet, huh?

MICHAELS: True that. Amazing thinking.

SLATER: Hey, McLovin. We got a situation at Bailey's, so we'll drop you off after, all right?

FOGELL: Actually, I kind of have to be somewhere-

SLATER: Sweet. Sit tight.

MICHAELS: Set course for Bailey's Bar and Grill, warp 10. Engage.

They turn their lights on.


Francis, Seth, and Evan arrive at Mark’s house.

FRANCIS: Yeah. Welcome to the Thunderdome.

EVAN: Hey, man, are you sure it's cool that we're here with you?

FRANCIS: Oh, definitely, man. I'm essentially best friends with the guy so a bunch of my buds are coming. We're gonna rock out with our cocks out. Just kidding. We are gonna rock out.

SETH: Just go, just go.

FRANCIS: What's up? What's up? What's up? Hello, hello. Hey, guys.

Cut inside the house.

EVAN: This is something a smart person wouldn't do.

SETH: Look, just act cool and act casual, and try and look old. We'll get the booze and get the fuck out of here, okay?

Francis gets on the phone. He gestures towards the booze.

SETH: We should just grab one of these buckets and get out of here.

EVAN: Are you out of your mind? How are we gonna get a fucking bucket out of here?

Mark approaches Francis.

FRANCIS: Hey, man.

MARK: What the fuck do you think you're doing?

FRANCIS: What are… What? Nothing.

MARK: You using my phone?

FRANCIS: What's wrong, Mark?

MARK: You weren't invited. Get the fuck out of here.

FRANCIS: Come on, Mark. It's cool, man.

MARK: You using my fucking phone? You calling your fucking friends again?

FRANCIS: Mark, come on. It’s fine.

MARK: You calling your friends, your fantastic friends? Get the fuck out of my house.

Mark hangs up the phone and throws Francis around.


MARK: Get the fuck out of my house. This is my house.

FRANCIS: Don't be such a dick, man!

SETH: What the fuck?

Cut to outside the house.

FRANCIS: Mark! You really wanna do this, man?

Mark pushes Francis over.

MARK: That's right, motherfucker.

MAN 1: Come on, pussy. Get up, dude.

Francis punches Mark.

FRANCIS: Oh, shit. I'm sorry, bro. I'm sorry, bro. I'm sorry, bro. Tiger got out of the cage, man. All right? I'm sorry. Come on, Mark. Let's just chill. Everyone just chill out. Truce, man.

Mark kicks Francis.

MAN 2: Right in the nads!

MARK: This is for your friends. Here, have another one.

Cut inside the house. Seth and Evan run through.

EVAN: Oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit. Oh, my God. What do we do?

SETH: Come on. Come on.

EVAN: Choose one. We can slip out the back, man.

SETH: Wait, wait, come on. We’re here, let's just hurry up and do this.

EVAN: Are you crazy, man? You wanna end up like that guy? Not me. I need my nuts, man, for a lot of things.

SETH: Well, we need this liquor.

EVAN: No, you need it. I don't need it. I'm just gonna tell Becca how I feel, and then maybe she'll get with me. Okay? I'm not gonna get her drunk out of her mind.

SETH: Oh, really? Then how come you never made a move, you pussy?

EVAN: Because I respect her, Seth. I'm not gonna put that kind of unfair pressure on her, all right?

SETH: I mean, come on, I just don't see a problem here. Let's just do it.

EVAN: We're leaving, okay? These guys could kill us, man. You wanna get killed for liquor?

SETH: No, but I would get killed for pussy, no questions asked.

EVAN: Fuck this, man.

SETH: You're just gonna bail on me?

EVAN: I'm going.

SETH: Fucking bitch.


The cop car enters the parking lot.

MICHAELS: Move, people. Thank you.

SLATER: Oh, I love this place.

They all get out of the car. Cut inside.

FOGELL: What the hell is going on in there?

MICHAELS: If the bullets start flying, hit the deck.

They enter the main room.

MAN 1: You pissed everywhere, you son of a bitch!

MAN 2: Everywhere? You didn't see me pissing anywhere.

MAN 1: Hey, sir, I don't know what you're talking about.

MAN 2: Take your nuts out of your shells!

SLATER: All right, Michaels, I got your back. Why don't you show this rummy how we roll?

MICHAELS: 10-4. Excuse me, sir. Stop What you are doing at once.

MAN 2: Blue guys!

The man runs away. Chaos ensues as the two cops chase the man around.

MICHAELS: Resisting. Resisting! Slater!

SLATER: Michaels! Everybody stay calm. Everybody stay calm. Get the fuck out of my way! Stay calm! Fuck!

MICHAELS: Should I shoot him?

SLATER: No, no, no, no!

MICHAELS: Stop him, McLovin!

SLATER: McLovin, stop him! Do it, do it, do it, do it!

Fogell stands in front of the man. The fight continues into the kitchen.

FOGELL: Please stop it, you fucking bum. What the fuck?

The man slips and falls, becoming unconscious. Slater and Michaels enter.

MICHAELS: McLovin! Nice!

FOGELL: He just came at me. I took him down.

SLATER: I'm buying you a beer, McLovin.

MICHAELS: I'm buying you one too. All you guys, take note. That's how you take down a motherfucker.

SLATER: That's right. McLovin in the fucking house!


Seth walks through the party. He tries to walk towards the beer, but a woman gets in his way, and they begin dancing.

WOMAN: Hey. You dance hot.

SETH: Thank you.

Cut outside. Evan gets a call from Becca.

EVAN: Okay, okay. Here we, here we go. Hello?

The call has bad connection. But between Evan and shots of Becca in Gaby’s car.

BECCA: Evan, it's Becca.

EVAN: Oh, Becca. Hi.

BECCA: Hello?

EVAN: Hello. Hey. Becca. Becca.

BECCA: Evan, can you hear me? Hello? What?

EVAN: Piece of shit! Guy sells me a piece of shit fucking phone. Becca?

BECCA: It's Becca.

EVAN: I get one bar everywhere I fucking go.

BECCA: It’s Becca.

GIRL: What is he saying?

EVAN: Fucking asshole.

BECCA: I think-

GIRL: What happened?

EVAN: Son-of-a-fucking-bitch phone company.

BECCA: What? It's rude. Hello?

EVAN: Fuck. You suck. Bullshit phone. Piece of shit.

BECCA: Hello?

EVAN: I swear I'll bitch slap you so fucking hard.

BECCA: What?

The call ends. Cut back to the party. Seth and the woman dance to “Big Poppa” by Notorious B.I.G. After a minute, the woman abruptly stops dancing.

WOMAN: Thanks.

She walks away.

SETH: This is fucking crazy.

Seth steals a few beers. Cut to a man entering the party with a case of beer.

MAN 1: Hey. Look what fell out of the truck!

MAN 2: You're full of shit.

MAN 1: Yeah, I know. Dude. Dude. We're so gonna get fucked up.

SETH: All right.

A man gets Seth’s attention.

MAN 3: Hey. What is that?

SETH: I don't know. What?

MAN 3: That fucking stain on your pants, idiot. What is that?

SETH: What are you talking about, man?

MAN 3: Dude. Is that blood?

SETH: What the fuck is that?

MAN 3: Are you bleeding?

SETH: I'm not cut or anything. Why would I be bleeding?

MAN 3: It's fucking blood, man. Were you dancing with some chick in there?

SETH: Yeah, so?

MAN 3: It's blood.

MAN 4: Dude, that's not funny.

MAN 3: It's blood, dude.

SETH: But why would I be bleeding? Why the fuck would I be bl- Dude, why would there be bl... Oh, fuck. Oh, my God. Oh, shit. I'm gonna fucking throw up. Someone perioded on my fucking leg?

MAN 3: Oh, shit.

SETH: What the fuck do I do?

MAN 4: I've never before seen that in my life!

SETH: This is so disgusting.

MAN 3: Yes, it is.

MAN 4: I'm gonna go get Bill. He's gotta check this shit out.

MAN 3: Oh, fuck, yeah.

The man leaves to get Bill.

SETH: No. Who's Bill? Don't tell Bill! Bill has nothing to do with this!

MAN 3: Hey, calm down, calm down. Let me get a picture of that real quick.

SETH: No, you can't have a picture! Dude, stop!

MAN 4: Bill, Bill! Check it out! This kid's got period blood on his slacks.

SETH: It's Merlot. That's what you don't get.

MAN 4: Hey, Pat! This jerk-off's got period blood on his pants!

SETH: Please stop.

PAT: God, man, let me see. Oh, my God, that's a fucking man-gina, man.

Seth runs away.

WOMAN 1: Do you need a tampon? I could-

WOMAN 2: Wait, wait. I have one! I have one!

SETH: Yeah, right? I don't know. I gotta wash this Merlot off. Is this the line?

WOMAN 3: What does it look like?

SETH: Fuck me, right?

Seth opens the door to the basement. Downstairs he spots the sink. Cut to Evan walking through the party.


Fogell, the cops, and the bartender watch the security tape of Fogell being assaulted.

MICHAELS: "Uh, yeah, I'm McLovin. I'd like to buy some-" Oh! Shit.

MICHAELS: Rewind, rewind.

SLATER: Rewind it. Yeah! So hot. Let's see it again.

MICHAELS: Oh! Your legs lifted off the ground.

SLATER: Oh, my God, that is bona fide badass, man. You gotta keep that tape, McLovin. It is badass. It really is.

FOGELL: Really? Well, don't you guys, like, need it for, like, evidence or...?

MICHAELS: The only thing that's evidence of is you can take a hit like a champ, man. Seriously. Take that.

FOGELL: Are there any ladies we'd like to show this tape to?

MICHAELS: No. You don't wanna meet a chick in a bar, man. Seriously. That was a major turning point in my life, was when I realized that. You gotta go to other places. You gotta
go to a spin class, a farmers' market, pumpkin patch, given the time of year. Just somewhere social, non-threatening. You know, something like that.

SLATER: Yeah, I met the missus at paintball. Yeah, I shot her in the neck, and we just, and we just hit it off, you know? My first wife, who is a whore, by the way, where do you think I met her? A bar. A bar.

MICHAELS: It was this bar.

SLATER: It was this bar. Yeah, it was this bar. Bought her a Binion's, complimented her on her tote bag, and next thing I know, she's putting her mouth around the tip of my penis.

FOGELL: You don't have to tell me that.

MICHAELS: Right in there.

SLATER: She opened up my world, sexually. On our wedding night, we had group sex. I wasn't involved in it. But I could hear it through the wall.


SLATER: She was amazing. And then it was exactly 23 months later that I found out that she was an actual whore.

MICHAELS: We discovered her on the street.


FOGELL: I'm sorry.

SLATER: She was bad. Fucking whoring bitch.

MICHAELS: But you got a new wife now, so...

SLATER: Yeah. Yeah. And she is wonderful. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

MICHAELS: You'll meet her.

SLATER: You know what? I bet I know your trick, McLovin. You play the whole myst-

WOMAN ON PA: Calling all units.

MICHAELS: Just turn that off.

MAN ON PA: Send backup! There's so much blood-

SLATER: I bet you play the whole mysterious guy thing, right?

MICHAELS: Yeah, seriously. How's it going with the ladies?

FOGELL: It's not the going with the ladies I care about, it's the coming.

MICHAELS: I get it.

SLATER: What is it? What is it?


MICHAELS: Like coming.

SLATER: That's funny. That is really funny.

Slater imitates the sound of the PA.

SLATER: Whoo! All right, looks like we got a call. We can't pay for these.

MICHAELS: 10-4, we’ll be right there.

SLATER: No time, Speedy Gonzales, let's go.

MICHAELS: We should get road beers, huh?


FOGELL: Hell, yeah, we should get some road beers.

MICHAELS: Can I have 13 beers to go, please?


Seth tries to clean the blood off of his pants in the basement.

SETH: Please. God, my fucking leg.

He spots a fridge full of beer and takes some.

SETH: Fuck.

He spots some jugs of detergent nearby. He pours the detergent out into the sink. Cut to Evan entering an empty room. He makes a call to Becca. Cut back and forth between Evan and Becca in Gaby’s car.

BECCA: I think it's him, shh. Uh, hello?

EVAN: Hey, Becca. Hi, I had a bad reception. So about your Goldslick.

BECCA: Guys, shut up.

EVAN: Hey, what's going on over there?

BECCA: It's nothing. It's just, I was just calling, you know, to see if you were coming, because I thought maybe you were stuck at, like, a nightclub, or a cocktail party or something.

EVAN: No, no, I'm gonna be there for sure. Full throttle. Charlie's Angels 2.

Some men enter the room and pour cocaine on the table.

BECCA: Awesome. I can't wait to see you.

EVAN: Okay, bye.

BECCA: Evan?

Evan tries to leave, but one of the men closes the door.

MAN 1: That was the first time I ever did coke. Off that bitch's nipple. That was so-

MAN 2: A little white sniff.

MAN 1: That was awesome. That was gorgeous.

MAN 3: Hey, hey, hey. You guys, stay in this room, man. They're gonna kill that guy tonight. That chick's boyfriend is pissed.

BILLY: Yeah. He's a beast.

BENJI: I've been praying for a fight. I'm literally waking up and praying to see a fucking fight.

BILLY: Hey, hey, hey. Who's that guy?


BENJI: Who is that guy? Who's this guy?

EVAN: Pleasure to see you fellas. Hi, everyone.

BENJI: Who are you?

EVAN: I'm nobody.

MAN 3: No, no, no. I know you. I know you. He was at that party, the one I was telling you about.

EVAN: No, no.

BENJI: Who is it?

MAN 3: Remember? He's Jimmy's brother. The guy. The singer.

BENJI: No shit.

MAN 3: He's the guy with the beautiful voice I was telling you about!

BENJI: The fucking singer, Jimmy's brother!

EVAN: That's not me, man.

BENJI: Oh, my God.

MAN 3: Sing for us! Sing.

BENJI: Oh, "It's not me?” You fucking lying?

EVAN: No, I don't mean to accuse you guys of being ill-informed, but-

MAN 3: My brother came from Scottsdale, Arizona to be here tonight. And you're not gonna sing for him?

BENJI: Fucking bullshit.

MAN 1: Sing.

BENJI: You're a fucking singer.

MAN 3: You sing. And you sing good.

BENJI: Sing it again.

MAN 2: Like a bird.

EVAN: No, I know, I just, I want to-

MAN 3: You want a line of cocaine?

EVAN: No way, man.

MAN 3: Yeah.

BILLY: Don't make this weird. Sing.

MAN 3: Sing it again.

BENJI: Turbo.


Michael’s blows into a breathalyzer.

SLATER: Fuck! Over!

MICHAELS: Okay, Watch this. I'll get it right on the nose.

SLATER: You're gonna fuck it up. You're gonna fuck it up.

MICHAELS: Under! I feel hammered. That doesn't make any sense.

SLATER: You're a fucking pussy.

MICHAELS: Okay, okay. Great, great. Okay, McLovin, see if you can do it.

SLATER: The kid's gonna nail it. Come on, McLovin. Do it, buddy. Come on, buddy! Bring it!

FOGELL: 0.08, motherfuckers!


SLATER: That's my boy!


MICHAELS: Beginner's luck. Beginner's luck.

FOGELL: So, what's it like to have guns?

MICHAELS: It is awesome, McLovin. I mean, it's mindbl-

SLATER: It's great.

MICHAELS: I haven't had one for long, only a few months, but I'll tell you, it's like having two cocks.


MICHAELS: If one of your cocks could kill someone.

FOGELL: Can I hold one?


FOGELL: Can I hold one of your guns?

SLATER: Yeah, sure.

MICHAELS: Fine with me. why not? Everyone should hold a gun at least a couple times.

Slater takes the clip out of his gun and hands it to Fogell.

SLATER: Yeah, there you go. Have a blast.

MICHAELS: "Have a blast." That's funny.

FOGELL: I've never held one of these before. Are they hard to shoot?

SLATER: If you're Michaels, they are. He can't shoot worth dick.

MICHAELS: What? I can shoot. What are you- Wait. You honestly saying I can't shoot worth dick?

SLATER: You cannot shoot.

MICHAELS: I shot that cat last week.

SLATER: It was already dead, man.

MICHAELS: I still shot it.

SLATER: That cat was dead.

FOGELL: There's only one way to settle this, guys.

MICHAELS: Shoot-off.

SLATER: Shoot-off.

MICHAELS: Shoot-off!

SLATER: Shoot-off!


Seth makes his way through the party.

MAN: Mark, Mark, that’s him, Johnny Cash. Right there.

SETH: Oh, you got a stain too. We're blood brothers.

MARK: Shut the fuck up. Where do you get off, dancing with my fiance?

SETH: No, I wasn’t dancing with her, I don't even dance. So that’s the thing, I've never even tried it, so it’s like weird that you would think that.

Cut to Evan singing “These Eyes” by The Guess Who for the men in the room. The men provide the backing melody for him.

EVAN: These eyes, cry every night for you. These arms, they long to hold you, hold you again. The hurting's on me, yeah.

BILLY: Talk about the hurting.

EVAN: And I will never be free, no, no, no. You gave a promise to me, yeah. And you broke it, and you broke it, honey. These eyes are crying. These eyes have seen a lot of loves. But they're never gonna see another one like I had with you. These eyes are crying. These eyes have seen a lot of loves. But they're never gonna see another one like I had with you.

A man knocks on the door and hurriedly enters.

MAN 1: Yo, fight!

Everyone gets up an runs out of the room.

MAN 2: Move it, go!

Cut back to Mark and Seth.

MARK: And what the hell is this?

SETH: I don't fucking- It's detergent!

MARK: Yeah, and what are you doing with it?

SETH: I got fucking blood on my pants.

Mark shoves Seth backwards.

EVAN: Get down.

Seth and Evan duck as Mark throws a bottle. The bottle hits one of the men from the room.

MAN 1: What the fuck is this all about, man? Are you-

Mark headbutts the man.

MAN 2: Well, fuck me.

A fight breaks out.

EVAN: Fellas.

Evan gets shoved under a man on the couch.

MAN 3: Oh, shit, I've been tackled by little girls!

MARK: You die! You're next!

Mark charges Seth, but is tackled by the man he threw the bottle at.

WOMAN: I should fucking kill you, you motherfucker!

She hits Seth with a lamp.

MAN 1: Hold him, Jimmy's brother! Hold him!

EVAN: What do you mean? No. No Way!

WOMAN: You humiliated me!

SETH: I'm sorry! You used my leg as a tampon!

WOMAN: I'm calling the cops.

She walks away. Evan is freed from the couch.

SETH: Evan! Come on! Move! Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck.

They run out of the house. Mark’s fiance calls the police.

WOMAN: Yeah. Fifth and Paysview. Hurry. Mark, I called the cops. You should hide your gun.


Slater and Michaels are having a shoot-off. Michaels aims at a stop sign while Slater tries to psych him out.

SLATER: You're a fucking pussy.

FOGELL: Don't listen to him, officer.

SLATER: If you make this, we're no longer friends, Michaels.

FOGELL: Shh, cheating.

SLATER: You're a fucking pussy.

FOGELL: You're cheating.

Michaels hits the stop sign.

SLATER: Fuck me.

MICHAELS: Oh, suck on my nuts, Slater!

SLATER: All right, you… That was a lucky shot. That was a lucky shot. I got jizzed on. All right.

FOGELL: Can I shoot one?

MICHAELS: Yeah, go nuts. Go nuts.

SLATER: Have a good time, man. Empty the clip. Empty the clip on it, man. Shit! The cops!

Before Fogell gets a chance to fire, the trio hears sirens nearby. They run to the car.

MICHAELS: Bail! Bail! Bail! Shotgun, shotgun!

FOGELL: Damn it!

MICHAELS: Woah! Shotgun.

They drive away.

FOGELL: What a rush.

MICHAELS: What do you guys wanna do?

SLATER: Oh, man, let's get drunk!

MICHAELS: Let's get more fucked up!

SLATER: You're fucking living the dream, Michaels!

MICHAELS: Oh, man.

SLATER: This is gonna be the best night ever.

WOMAN ON PA: Got a 257 at Fifth and Paysview.


WOMAN: All units in the area report to Fifth and Paysview. Car 98, that's you. Do it.


SLATER: Shit. Car 98 on it. You dumb fucking Whore.

FOGELL: Hey, did she say we're gonna get to shoot somebody or something?

SLATER: Oh, God, I wish. It's probably some lame house party. We'll drop you off after. Is that cool?

FOGELL: Yeah, man. Let's show these fuckers how we roll!


Seth and Evan get far enough away to stop running.

SETH: You fucking prick.

EVAN: What?

SETH: You bailed on me.

EVAN: I didn't bail on you.

SETH: Yeah, you did. You said you were gonna do something and you didn't do it. That's bailing.

EVAN: You're the one that dragged me to that fucking party with those lunatics, man. I didn't bail on you.

SETH: You bailed on me, okay? You bailed on me this morning When Jesse spat on me. And you're bailing on me next year.

EVAN: What the fuck? It finally comes out. That's good, man.

SETH: We were supposed to go to college together, Evan. Since we were little kids, since elementary school, that's all we've ever talked about, was us going to college together. And you got into fucking Dartmouth.

EVAN: You're making me feel like I'm a bad guy. What am I... I didn't do anything wrong. I got into a good school.

SETH: How the fuck am I supposed to get into Dartmouth? You knew I couldn't get into Dartmouth.

EVAN: How fucking selfish are you? You had no problem letting Fogell take the fall back there, you obviously don't want me going to a good school.

SETH: Fuck, man!

EVAN: So, what the fuck do you want? I'm not gonna let you slow me down anymore, Seth.

SETH: What are you saying?

EVAN: I've wasted the last three years of my life sitting around talking bullshit with you, man! Instead of chasing girls and making friends l've just sat around wasting all my time with you. And now because of you I'm going to college a fucking friendless virgin.

SETH: Is this about Becca? This is about some girl, man?

EVAN: I like her!

SETH: Who gives a fuck? She's some fucking girl! What, are you gonna go out with her for two years? What about after that?

EVAN: Fuck you, man, you're a piece of shit.

SETH: Fuck you! And next time you're pissed off about something don't keep it inside for 10 years, say it like a fucking man!

Seth shoves Evan.

EVAN: Don't touch me.

SETH: Fuck you!

“These Eyes” by The Guess Who plays on the radio as we cut to the cop car.

SLATER: Hey, McLovin, are the numbers on your side odd or even?

FOGELL: I don't know. It's too dark to see.

MICHAELS: We got flashlights.

SLATER: Oh, that's true.

MICHAELS: Bing. Where the fuck are we? Hey, Slater.

SLATER: What's that?

Michaels imitates a light saber noise and shines his flashlight towards Slater.


They pretend to have a light saber duel.

SLATER: Now, young Michaels, you will die. All right. Come on, stop it. I can't see.

MICHAELS: You can’t see?

SLATER: I can't see. Fuck it. You like it? How you like it?

MICHAELS: Hey, fuck off, that hurts.

SLATER: You stop first.

MICHAELS: Not gonna stop until you stop.

SLATER: Stop it.

MICHAELS: Stop it, asshole.

SLATER: Hey, you stop.

SETH: Fuck you, Evan!

EVAN: Don't fucking touch me.

Evan pushes Seth into the street. The cop car passes by and hits him. Slater and Michaels scream. Evan walks over to Seth.

MICHAELS: Why did you do that?

FOGELL: Oh, my God. Are you guys gonna make sure he's okay?

SLATER: Go out there and check on him.

MICHAELS: You check.

SLATER: You go out there and check on him.

MICHAELS: Fuck that. You go.

SLATER: Balls. Okay, We'll both go out there and check on him.

MICHAELS: I can't believe this is happening again. What are the odds?

Both cops get out of the car.

SLATER: Is everyone okay?

SETH: Yeah, We're great, thanks.

SLATER: Hey, hey, Where's the love?

EVAN: He's okay. He's fine.

SLATER: Stand right next to your friend. Get over there.

MICHAELS: I got them.

SLATER: You got these guys?

Slater dips his finger in some booze Seth spilled. He licks it off his finger.

SLATER: You boys doing a bit of drinking tonight?

EVAN: No, officer. Not at all. Not, we…

SETH: We found those.

SLATER: I don't believe you. Freeze. Stand right there.

EVAN: We're telling the truth.

SLATER: Yeah, keep it going. Don't be a hero tonight, guys.

MICHAELS: Wrong night for that.

The cops walk away and talk quietly to each other.

SLATER: Yeah, do what you have to do.

Michaels gets in the car with Fogell. Slater stays outside and points his gun at Seth and Evan.

SLATER: Spread your shit! Get on the ground! Loaded gun, ready to go! Spread your shit! Pussies on the pavement, fellas. Come on!

EVAN: Please don't shoot, sir.

SLATER: "Please don't shoot." Shut up and spread your shit! I am the law! Okay? Now hold hands.

SETH: What? Why?

SLATER: Because you don't want an asshole where your face used to be, Whaling Jennings. Hold his fucking hand!

EVAN: Fucking hold my hand.

SLATER: There. That's not so hard, is it?

Cut to Michaels and Fogell.

MICHAELS: Here, McLovin, have a cigarette. Smoke up. Life's short, you know? Suck it in, my friend. Suck it long and deep. Enjoy it. McLovin, McLovin, McLovin, McLovin. You like Officer Slater and myself?

FOGELL: Yeah, you guys, you guys are awesome.

MICHAELS: Thanks. We really like you too, McLovin. So here's what's about to happen. We're gonna arrest these two guys, and you're gonna write a witness report saying they leapt in front of our car like madmen and there was nothing we could do to avoid hitting them. Sound cool?

FOGELL: Yeah, that's fine.


Cut back outside the car.

SLATER: That's good. Pretend he's your little sister. Your little sister with the…

Slater says some gibberish. Michaels gets out of the car. After a second, Fogell gets out too.

SETH: What the fuck?

Cut to slow motion as Evan and Seth look up to see Fogell flick his cigarette away. He looks at them in shock.

SETH: Fagell?

Evan gets up and sprints away.



Both cops run after Evan. Seth gets up.

SETH: Run! Run!

FOGELL: Wait. Hold on, I gotta get all the booze. Seth, Wait up!

Seth and Fogell run the other way with the booze.

SLATER: McLovin bailed! Chase the kid!

Slater runs to the car.


Michaels continues to chase Evan. Slater kicks out the broken windshield. Michaels gets tired out chasing Evan.

MICHAELS: That was a fast kid.

Slater speeds away, having ejected the drunk bum from the car.

MAN: I want a ride! You hear me? You can't unarrest me! Stop!

Seth and Fogell run down the street. Slater turns on the street.

SLATER: McLovin!

SETH: Come on.

Seth and Fogell escape down a back street into someone’s backyard.

SLATER: McLovin! McLovin! Why? McLovin, come back!

Seth trips over the tent of some children camping in their backyard.

GIRL 1: My hand! Monster!

Fogell hops the fence with the booze.

BOY: Nicole! Nicole, get daddy! Get daddy!

GIRL 2: Get Daddy!

FOGELL: Oh, shit.

MAN: Get away from my kids! You sick sons of bitches!

The father of the children throws a bat, hitting Seth.

SETH: Ow! What the fuck?

Seth and Fogell escape. Cut to Slater. He finds Michaels on the side of the road throwing up.

SLATER: Michaels, are you okay?

MICHAELS: It's just beer.

SLATER: Oh, give me a break.

MICHAELS: It's just beer.

SLATER: Man up. What happened? What, did you lose him?

MICHAELS: He's a freak. He's the fastest kid alive.

SLATER: This is not good.

MICHAELS: He's the fastest kid alive.

SLATER: Fastest kid alive, my ass. Come on. What are we gonna do?

MICHAELS: I'll shoot my gun in the air.

He shots once in the air.

SLATER: Give me a fucking warning before you do it.

MICHAELS: I'll scare him out of wherever he's hiding.

SLATER: This isn't gonna do shit.


SLATER: Get in the car.


SLATER: Get in the car. This is your fault, you piece of-

Michaels fires again. Cut to Evan hiding.

EVAN: Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck. They shot Seth. They fucking shot Seth, I know it. Holy shit. Holy shit.

Evan leaves his hiding place, meeting up with Seth and Fogell.

EVAN: Should I run?

SETH: Yes.

The trio runs down the street. Cut to them approaching a bus.

EVAN: Fuck.

FOGELL: Stop! Stop the bus! Stop it!

EVAN: It's stopping. It's stopping.

The get on the bus.

FOGELL: Oh, thank God. Hey, Evan, pay for me, please.

EVAN: That's me and him.

The bum from earlier is on the bus. He confronts them.

MAN: Hey, hey. It's you. McMuffin.

SETH: You know this guy?

MAN: Ain't got no cop people to help you keep your booze now, do you?

SETH: Hey! Back the fuck up, man, or I'll beat the shit out of you.

MAN: Give me the booze.

Switch to slow motion as the bum grabs the Goldslick Vodka. He and Seth struggle.

SETH: Hey! Back the fuck up. Back the fuck up. Back the fuck up.

EVAN: Please, please, calm down, sir.

The Goldslick goes flying.

EVAN: Goldslick.

Evan fails to catch it. It crashes on the floor. Switch back to normal speed.

DRIVER: Get off the bus or I'm calling the cops.

The trio gets off the bus.

FOGELL: Eat shit, bum. Oh, shit, guys. We're three blocks away, man. We made it. We made it With the booze and everything. We made it.

SETH: Hold this. I can't believe you still have the liquor. That's awesome.

FOGELL: Yeah, man, I told you the idea would work. I fooled those cops. I'm McLovin. Whoo! I am McLovin. Why do you guys have detergent?

EVAN: Fogell, I don't understand why you were smoking cigarettes with those cops.

The trio begins to head to the party.

FOGELL: Because I fucking rule. Oh, we are so gonna get laid tonight.

SETH: I am. I'm gonna get laid.

FOGELL: We're finally gonna get our drinks on. Chica, chica, yeah.

Cut to them approaching Jules’s house.

EVAN: I can't believe Becca's bottle broke.

FOGELL: I'm sure it'll be fine.

EVAN: Yeah.

SETH: I thought you didn't need it anyways. You were gonna tell her how you feel.

EVAN: Okay, well, good luck getting Jules drunk enough to have sex with you.

FOGELL: What's Wrong With you guys?

SETH: Nothing. You two femmes can talk about it next year at your little slumber party.

FOGELL: Oh, you told him.

SETH: Told me what?

EVAN: Yeah. You're an idiot, Fogell.

They stop walking.

FOGELL: Well, we gotta tell him now.

EVAN: No, we...

FOGELL: Well, he knows something's up.

EVAN: Fogell...

SETH: What are you guys talking about? Tell me right now.

FOGELL: Seth, me and Evan are rooming together next year at college. What's the big deal? "Oh, my God, Fogell's rooming With Evan." Jeez, Why don't you go cry about it?

EVAN: I didn't tell you because I, I thought-

SETH: Because you're a backstabber, and you lied to your best friend, and you only want to hang out with Fogell, and you just don't care anymore? I didn't expect this from you, Evan. Not from you. Give me that booze, Fagell.

Seth takes the booze and enters the party.

FOGELL: We never should have had to hide our arrangement.

Cut inside the party. Evan walks through the crowds of people.

GIRL: Seth's here.

JULES: Seth, you're here. Hi. Everybody, Seth has got it.

Everyone cheers. Jules leads Seth through the party to the kitchen. Cut to the backyard. Gaby approaches Evan.

GABY: Evan.

EVAN: Gaby, hey.

GABY: Where have you been? You almost blew it.

EVAN: What are you talking about?

GABY: Becca. She's been waiting. She's over there. She's way smashed. And she's been yammering about you all night.

EVAN: Really? What was she saying? She told you that she thinks I'm a good guy?

GABY: No, no. She said something more like, "I will fully blow him tonight."

EVAN: What?

GABY: I know. Yeah.

EVAN: But she's totally hammered, and if I get with her and I'm not drunk, isn't that like unethical?

GABY: Oh, not if you're drunk too.

EVAN: I guess not.

Cut back in the house.

GUY 1: To Seth.

ALL: To Seth!

They all drink.

SETH: All right.

GUY 2: Who the fuck is Seth?

SETH: I'm Seth! Let's do another one to me.

Seth and Jules smile at each other. Cut to Evan entering a bathroom with some alcohol.

EVAN: Oh, boy. Calm down. Calm down, man. Calm down. She likes you. She wants to suck on your penis. It's a good thing. It's the best thing. Just down the hatch.

He tries to swig some alcohol but spits it out everywhere. Cut to Fogell. He sees Nicola dancing. Cut between shots of him seeing her earlier in the day. He approaches her.

FOGELL: Fogell. What's up?

They start dancing with each other. Cut to Seth telling the story of his day to some people. Cut to Evan gagging in the bathroom, then back to Fogell dancing, and back to Seth having fun at the party. Finally, cut to Evan approaching Becca outside.

BECCA: Evan, hey. Evie, come here. Can you please help me up? I fell down and none of these assholes will help me up. Shit.

He helps her up.

EVAN: Becca.

BECCA: I have been waiting for you for, like, ever. What took you so long?

EVAN: I know, it, I can’t even-

BECCA: Do you have my Goldslick?

EVAN: Oh, it's such a crazy story, okay? I swear I was try-

BECCA: It doesn't even matter. Look. Look what we, we can just drink this. Here.

EVAN: Oh, no.

BECCA: You could have a drink.

EVAN: You know what, I'm already pretty wasted.

BECCA: Take a drink.

EVAN: Okay, here's to you. This is to Becca.

BECCA: To Becca.

EVAN: To the respecting-

BECCA: Guys.

EVAN: Women. To people respecting women.

He takes a sip and gags.

BECCA: Okay. Yeah. You're a lightweight. Um, hey. You and me, we should go upstairs, because, um, because I need to tell you something. Okay?

EVAN: You could just tell me here, I mean...

BECCA: I can't tell you, because it's a secret for you from me.

As they talk, Becca’s friends listen in behind them.

EVAN: All right.

BECCA: So come. Come on. Okay. Bye, guys.

GABY: Bye.

GIRL: Bye-bye.

GABY: Bye.

Becca leads Evan through the party. They pass Fogell and Nicola.

NICOLA: You changed your name to McLovin? Wow. That's so cool.

FOGELL: Thanks.

NICOLA: So, like, what's Hawaii like?


Cut to Jules approaching Seth.

JULES: All right. I am back. I had to thank the peeps for coming out, you know.

SETH: Jules. I want you to have a drink with me. Just drink some of this. You're gonna love it. You're to- I know you're gonna love it.

JULES: You know, l-

SETH: It's green beer. For your information.

JULES: You know what, I'm actually good right now. But thank you. And thank you very much for bringing everything, again. Seriously, it really made the night, so.

SETH: No, that's how I roll. That's the thing. It's no problems. You'll learn that. I love talking and conversing with you. But I can't hear you, though, because the music is so loud. So do you wanna go outside and talk more?

JULES: Um. Yeah. Sorry, sure. You know, why not? Let's do it. I haven't conversed in ages.

SETH: Okay. Ladies, ladies first.

They go to the back door.

JULES: Okay. Thank you very much.

SETH: No problem. Watch your step. I fell earlier today.

JULES: You serious?

SETH: Well, I was hit by a car. It's a long story.

The go outside. Cut to Evan and Becca entering a bedroom.

BECCA: Oh, shit. Careful.

EVAN: So loud. Don't let the parents hear. You look so pretty. Are you okay?

BECCA: I so flirt with you in math.

EVAN: Tell me about it. I, samesies. I've wanted to tell you for so long that you're the best girl.

BECCA: I know. I've wanted to get with you, like, so hard. Like so hard.

She pushes him onto the bed.

EVAN: You're the best.

BECCA: We'll take this sweater off. I think so.

EVAN: Just be careful, because it's a meaningful sweater to me. It's vintage.

BECCA: Okay.

EVAN: Bought it at that vintage market.

She takes his sweater off.

BECCA: Just hurry. And this one.

EVAN: It's off. Hey, wait, careful.

BECCA: Oh, shit.

EVAN: Oh, my.

He gets his shirt off.

BECCA: Put that there. Now, looky, looky...

EVAN: Okay. Oh my gosh.

BECCA: What I got for you under here.

EVAN: You are the prettiest girl this side of the Mississippi.

BECCA: I have a little something for you under here.

She takes her shirt off.

EVAN: You look so pretty. Look so pretty.

BECCA: Under there. Hello. For you.

She drunkenly swirls around and throws her shirt on him.

EVAN: You're the best. You're so unique.

BECCA: Come here.

EVAN: I like you so much.

They start making out again. Cut to Nicola and Fogell making their way upstairs.

NICOLA: Come on, McLovin. I've never been with an older guy before.

FOGELL: Well, it's way better.

Cut to Jules and Seth outside.

JULES: I know, we made some kick-ass tiramisu earlier. It was deli… it looked weird, but it was delicious.

Seth kisses her. She pushes him away.

SETH: Woah. What? What's wrong?

JULES: I ju- um... I would prefer if we would just do that at, um… at some other time.

SETH: No, there is no other time. School is up. What's wrong with right now?

JULES: Well, I mean, you're... You're drunk. You're, like, really, really drunk.

SETH: So? You're drunk. You're drunk, Jules.

JULES: Yeah, I'm actually, I'm not drunk at all. I don't even drink, so it's, I mean...

SETH: Jules, you drink. You drink. Everybody... You, you had me get liquor, so you drink. It's like...

JULES: Well, yeah, because I'm throwing a party, remember? Other people drink and so I just...

SETH: You… You don't wanna, you know?

JULES: Not, uh, right now. You know, not while you're drunk. But, you know, thank you.

He walks away. Cut to Evan and Becca making out upstairs.

BECCA: Evan. Evan, I'm so Wet.

EVAN: Oh, yeah. They said that would happen in health, when I learned about it.

BECCA: Yeah.

EVAN: Yeah. They taught me about- Oh!

BECCA: Who's down there?

EVAN: Yeah, it's your hand. Thank you, that's good.

BECCA: You have such a smooth cock.

EVAN: Thank you. You would too if you were a man. But you got such a smooth chest.

BECCA: I am gonna give you the best blow-J ever with my mouth.

EVAN: Why don't we, why don't we just kiss a while? Why don't we keep kissing for a bit, instead of-

BECCA: How badly do you wanna fuck me?

EVAN: Jesus Christ. Jesus, fuck. Hang on a sec, one second.

He gets up.

BECCA: What?

EVAN: Becca, I don't think you wanna do this. You're really drunk.

BECCA: No, I'm not. I am not drunk.

EVAN: I see that you are. I think you are.

BECCA: And I really, I want you inside me. I want you to be my first. I want you inside me. So just, just go with it. Let it happen.

EVAN: I know, but, Becca, this is kind of intense. And I just, I'm so drunk. I can't even, like, process this. And you're really pretty. And I just think this isn't how I pictured it.

BECCA: I don't understand why you have to be such a little bitch about it.

EVAN: Did you just call me a bitch?

BECCA: Yes, a scared-

EVAN: See, I, like, I think we're not thinking clear-

She throws up on the bed.

EVAN: Holy shit. Oh, my God.

BECCA: Go get Gaby.

He gets up and puts his clothes on.

EVAN: I'll go get her.

BECCA: Oh, God. Oh, God. Go get Gaby, please.

Cut to Fogell and Nicola making out.

FOGELL: I got a boner.

NICOLA: Good. Do you have a condom?

FOGELL: Yes. And lube.

Cut back outside. Jules approaches Seth.

JULES: Seth? Are... Are you crying?

SETH: No, I just have something in both my eyes. I don't cry. That's funny.

JULES: You look... You look, It looks like you're crying.

SETH: So... It was my last chance and I fucked it up and-

JULES: Your last chance to do what?

SETH: To make you my girlfriend for the summer. You're, like, the coolest person that's ever talked to me. I thought we'd both be drunk.

JULES: What does me being drunk have anything to do with it?

SETH: You'd never get with me if you were sober. Look at you. Look at me.

JULES: Seth, come on, you didn't blow it. I think maybe-

He falls over on the ground, hitting Jules on the way down.

JULES: What the fuck?

SETH: Help me.

JULES: Ow! Shirley.

SETH: I'm sorry.

Seth notices the cops arrive.

MICHAELS: Someone forgot to call pest control.


MICHAELS: Where you going? Hey, party's still on. Where you going, guys?

SETH: Oh, no.

MICHAELS: If you're back there, get out. Everyone, come on.

SLATER: We will shoot you.

MICHAELS: Party's over.

SETH: Evan.

MICHAELS: Get the hell out of here. Keep your hands up.

Cut to Evan and Miroki on the couch drinking.

EVAN: Life's bullshit, Miroki.

He passes the bottle to Miroki. Seth finds him.

SETH: Ev, Wake the fuck up, man. We gotta go. Those fucking cops are here, man.

There’s a knock on the door. Someone opens it to reveal Slater and Michaels.

SLATER: "Oh, no, it's the cops." We have a complaint.

SETH: Evan, come on.

MICHAELS: Get the hell out of here right now.

SLATER: Get out of here, pal. She's not interested.

MICHAELS: Drop the crantini and move it, sister.

SLATER: See you, sugar tits. Guys, come on, move.

Seth picks up Evan and carries him through the party.

MICHAELS: Everybody out. Leave the booze and go.

SETH: What the fuck, man?

GIRL: What the fuck, Seth?

SETH: He's my best friend.

He drops Evan.

SETH: Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Come on.

MICHAELS: I assume you all have guns and crack.

SETH: Oh, my God, come on. Don't stop.

He picks Evan back up and makes his way out the house.

MICHAELS: Okay, everyone, prepare to be fucked by the long dick of the law. Get out. Come on, go.

Seth walks through the backyard.

GIRL: Fuck off, Seth.

GUY: Get a room.

SETH: I'm gonna save you. I'm gonna save you, Evan. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck, man, so heavy.

He escapes through some bushes in the backyard. Cut to Slater in the party, dancing to “Pork And Beef” by The Coup. Cut to Fogell and Nicola having sex.

FOGELL: It's in. Oh, my God, it's in.

SLATER: All right, everybody out. Come on, let's go. McLovin! What the fuck?

Nicola screams and pushes Fogell off of her. She runs to grab her things.

FOGELL: Officer Slater, is that you?

SLATER: You ran away from us! Why did you run away from us? Michaels, get up here.

FOGELL: No. I didn't run away.

SLATER: What the fuck? Why would you do that?

FOGELL: I was disoriented from the crash-

SLATER: Were you violating that girl?


SLATER: That young girl, you just violated her with your penis? Michaels, look.

Michaels enters.


FOGELL: No, no, no.

Nicola runs out of the room.

MICHAELS: Woah. Holy shit. Were you just getting laid?

FOGELL: No! Well, yeah, I was, but-

MICHAELS: Yes, yes, he Was.

FOGELL: It's not what you think, guys. I'm not even-

SLATER: Sit the fuck down. Stay down. Stay the fuck down!

MICHAELS: Calm down.

SLATER: I thought we were friends, and then you go running away from me!

MICHAELS: Contain yourself.

SLATER: We're friends!

MICHAELS: Shut up. Calm down.


MICHAELS: Calm down, man.


MICHAELS: You just cock-blocked McLovin. Okay? He's our friend. We don't do that. We should be guiding his cock, not blocking it. Just relax, okay? Let's make this right.

Fogell uses his inhaler. Slater and Michaels sit on either side of him.

FOGELL: Wait, what are you… What are you guys doing? No, please, I can't, I can't go to jail. Please, I can't go to jail.

SLATER: No, look. We're really sorry, McLovin. This has, this has gone on, this has gone way too far.

FOGELL: What? What are you talking about?

MICHAELS: We know you're not 25, man. We're not idiots, McLovin.


FOGELL: Did you know the whole time?

SLATER: Look, when we were your age, we hated cops. When we saw you in the liquor store today, we just... I guess we saw a bit of ourselves, you know? And, um, we just wanted to show you that, you know, cops can have a fun time too, you know?


MICHAELS: You know, in a way, I think we wanted to show ourselves.

SLATER: Also, I'm... I'm really sorry that I blocked your cock.

FOGELL: Apology accepted.

They hug it out. Nicola grabs her shoes and looks at them confused before leaving.

MICHAELS: Seriously, man. That feels good. Oh, it feels so good.

FOGELL: I missed you guys.

MICHAELS: I just wish we could make it up to you somehow, man.

FOGELL: Well, do you think you can do me a really big favor?

SLATER: What is it? Anything.

MICHAELS: Name it.

Cut outside the party. Slater and Michaels drag Fogell along in handcuffs while everyone from the party watches.

SLATER: This kid's fucking crazy.

MICHAELS: Stay back for your own safety.

FOGELL: Get off me, you fucking cops. Get your hands off. Do you know who I am? I'm Fogell. The joint can't hold me.

GUY: Holy shit, Fogell's a badass.

FOGELL: I'm gonna break your glasses, you fucking cop. You can't hold me.

JESSE: Fucking pigs.

Jesse spits on Slater.

JESSE: Oh, shit.

Slater knocks Jesse over with his baton.

SLATER: Nice mullet, asshole.

He continues to drag Fogell to the car with Michaels.

MICHAELS: You crazy.

SLATER: This kid's crazy.

MICHAELS: He's nuts!

SLATER: Well, we caught the infamous Fogell.

FOGELL: Wait for me, Nicola! Wait for me on the outside.

NICOLA: We were gonna go to Hawaii.

Cut inside the car.

SLATER: Man, that's gonna get you so much ass.

FOGELL: Seriously?

MICHAELS: I know what to do about the car.

SLATER: Sweet.

Cut back to Seth carrying Evan. Evan wakes up.

SETH: Fucking go. Fucking throw up.

EVAN: Are you carrying me?

SETH: No, I'm saving you from the cops.

EVAN: You saved me? Well, I don't know what you're talking about, but thanks. Can l, should I just walk? Should I walk?

Seth puts Evan down. They walk together.

SETH: Yeah, sure. Where do you wanna go?

EVAN: Sleepover at my house? You wanna come sleep...?

SETH: Okay.

EVAN: Okay.

SETH: Does your mom still have pizza bagels?

EVAN: Yeah. Lots.

SETH: Pizza bagels.


Michaels hands some paperwork to Fogell.

MICHAELS: So by signing this, you are officially saying that as we stopped you from being mugged a crackhead stole our cruiser and did God knows what with it. You’re cool to sign that?

FOGELL: Of course. I owe you guys my life.

MICHAELS: We owe you, Mc… Wait, what's your real name again?

FOGELL: Fogell.

SLATER: Ah, fuck that. We're calling you McLovin.

MICHAELS: McLovin. Let's do this dance, boys.

They pull into an empty parking lot and do donuts. “Panama” by Van Halen plays. Michaels and Fogell get out of the car.

FOGELL: Oh, my God.

SLATER: What did I tell you guys, right?

FOGELL: That was crazy.

SLATER: Panama! Panama! All right. All right, now, guys, check this out. It's probably the greatest move in doughnut-spinning history. You paying attention? Behold, the upward-spiraling pigtail.

MICHAELS: Why is it called that?

SLATER: I don't know.

He drives away. Michaels and Fogell watch him.

MICHAELS: Make the badge proud, Slater. He's not usually this drunk when he does this, but I think that could make it more cool.

SLATER: McLovin!

He begins the donut but loses control of the car.



Slater crashes into a pole.


FOGELL: Officer Slater.

Slater gets out of the car through the windshield.

SLATER: All right. Fucking crazy. Let's do this.

Slater and Fogell cover the car in alcohol.

SLATER: Hurry, hurry. Let's go. Go, go.

FOGELL: I'm going, I'm going, I'm going. I'm out, I'm out.

SLATER: Good, here we go, here we go. Yeah? Yeah, okay. Back up. Don't blow yourself up, asshole.

Michaels throws a molotov cocktail onto the car. It lights on fire.

SLATER: Yes. Oh, my God. It worked! It worked. We won! We won.

FOGELL: Can we shoot at it?

SLATER: I don't know. Can you?

He gives his gun to Fogell. Fogell shoots at the burning car.

FOGELL: Break yourself, fool.

He shoots until there are no bullets left.

FOGELL: Tight.


Evan and Seth lay down in Evan’s basement.

EVAN: Listen, and then she said she was gonna give me a blow-J.

SETH: I can't believe she said that to you.

EVAN: Man, you have no idea.

SETH: What was she thinking?

EVAN: You don't even know
SETH: I gotta tell you. I gotta tell you something, Evan.

EVAN: What?

SETH: I was in your room, like, three weeks ago, while you were taking a shit. And I saw your housing, like, forms. So I knew you and Fogell were gonna live together, you know.

EVAN: I'm sorry, man, I don't know. I should've told you. I don't know why I didn't.

SETH: Don't, no, don't be sorry. I should be sorry. I was being a dick. I was being a big dick to you.

EVAN: No, l… Listen, Seth, I want you to know, I don't wanna live with Fogell. I don’t want to live with him. I just don't, I ha- I, I'm afraid to live with strangers. I can't. I can't do it.

SETH: I know, I know.

EVAN: I can't believe you saved me. You saved me. I can't believe. I owe you so… You carried me. I love you. I love you, man.

SETH: I love you. I love you. I'm not even embarrassed to say it. I just, I lo- I love you.

EVAN: I'm not embarrassed.

SETH: I love you.

EVAN: I love you. It’s like, why don't we say that every day? Why can't we say it more often?

SETH: I just love you. I just wanna go to the rooftops and scream, "I love my best friend, Evan."

EVAN: We should go up on my roof.

SETH: For sure.

EVAN: Like, when you went away for Easter, on your vacation, I missed you.

SETH: I missed you too.

EVAN: I want the world to know. It's, it's the most beautiful thing in the world.

Seth taps Evan’s nose.

SETH: Boop. Boop. Boop. Come here. Come here, man.

They hug.

SETH: I love you.

EVAN: I love you.


They both wake up.

SETH: What the fuck? What up?

EVAN: Morning. Morning.

SETH: I should get moving. I should get moving. I should be getting a move on, for sure.

He gets up and grabs his shoes.

EVAN: Yeah, you don't, I mean, you don't have to, you know. I don't really have anything going on. You don't have to rush off like that.

SETH: You wanna hang out? I was gonna go to the mall.

EVAN: I have to get a new comforter. For college. The mall, they would sell that.

SETH: Cool. So, uh… Your mom's got huge tits.

He walks up the stairs.


Seth tries on some pants and inspects himself in the mirror.

SETH: What do you think?

EVAN: I don't know, man. Don't ask me. Because I don't give a shit how pants look.

SETH: Yeah, I need someone's opinion.

EVAN: Those are too tight. Those are way too tight.

SETH: Yeah, but, like-

EVAN: Way too tight. You need to upgrade.

SETH: Yeah, but when I was wearing your dad's pants last night, I realized that if I wear pants that are, like, a little too small, it might encourage me to lose weight. And also, chicks can kind of see, like, you know, the borders and outline of my dick a little.

EVAN: Yeah, man, they go nuts for that. The male camel toe.

SETH: Yeah, the camel tail. It's right-

EVAN: I know where it is, where it happens.

SETH: Like, right there. It's like they're so tight that one ball is, like, above my dick, even.

EVAN: Yeah, exactly.

SETH: It's like three. It's like a three thing. It's like ball, dick, ball.

EVAN: It's like a, it’s like a division sign.

SETH: Like a bunch of people crammed into a van.

EVAN: You know, I just wish your dick is off.

SETH: You're right, these look stupid. Let's get the fuck out of here.

Cut to Jules and Becca ascending an escalator in the mall.

BECCA: I'm really sorry about that. I can't believe I actually did that.

JULES: I feel bad that I'm making you buy me a new one. It's seems, like, ridiculous.

BECCA: No. I have to, it's puke. It's gross.

JULES: Oh, my God.

Seth and Evan walk in the mall. Both pairs spot each other.

SETH: Do alcoholics get hangovers?

EVAN: Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit. It's them.

SETH: What the fuck do we do, man?

EVAN: Don't stop. I don't know. Hey.

All four approach each other.


EVAN: How's it going?


EVAN: It's so good to… How are you feeling?

BECCA: I've felt better. But I'll be fine. How about you?

EVAN: I'm okay, you know, yeah. Did you have fun last night?

BECCA: Uh, you know, I actually don't remember much.

EVAN: I don't remember anything. So weird.

SETH: Nothing.

BECCA: Um, I didn't puke on you, did I?

EVAN: You didn't. I remember that you- I avoided it. It whizzed right by me, and I said, "Stay away from me," you know.

BECCA: I'm really sorry about everything last night, and I just… Thank you for being such a nice guy about it all.

EVAN: Oh, that's okay, you know. At least you don't have a black eye from it.

They all look at Jules and smile awkwardly.

SETH: That looks terrible.

JULES: Yeah.

SETH: You look great. You don't look terrible. It's just, like, a bad bruise. Everything's great, just from he- This, just like right there.

EVAN: Your eye.

SETH: Yeah, your eye. Everything else is great. But seriously, I acted like a fucking idiot last night. You don't deserve that. So, I'm sorry. On the upside, I think you look cool with a black eye. I'm just gonna throw that out there. I don't, I don't know.

JULES: Well, thank you, smart guy. Thanks. That's actually why I'm here. Because I have to get a ton of cover-up for the grad photo.

SETH: Oh, man. Fuck.

BECCA: And I'm gonna get Jules a new comforter.

EVAN: Oh, I have to get a comforter too. For college.

BECCA: Oh, yeah?

EVAN: Yeah, I just figured I would need one.

JULES: So, Seth... . So do you wanna come buy me cover-up or something? I mean, you kind of owe me.

SETH: Yeah, definitely. I would love to do that. I had such bad acne last year that I pretty much became, like, an expert on the stuff. Well, you drove. Evan drove me here, though, so...

JULES: Well, so, well, I mean, I have my dad's car. So I could just give you a lift, and then Evan could take Becca home.

EVAN: Okay.

JULES: If that works. I don't know if it's in your route.

BECCA: That would be fine with me.

EVAN: Fine, yeah. Maybe we can get some food.

BECCA: Yeah, I'd like that.

SETH: So I guess I'll call you, then.

EVAN: Yeah, give me a call. Yeah, you have my number.

SETH: I have your information. So put her there.

They shake hands.

EVAN: Perfect. Good. All right, man.

SETH: Okay.

EVAN: Okay, guys.

The two pairs split off, Jules and Seth going back down the escalator and Becca and Evan staying on the upper level.

SETH: Becca.

EVAN: Bye, guys.

JULES: Bye, you guys.

EVAN: Bye, have fun.

BECCA: See you, Jules.

EVAN: Yeah, that's funny. Too funny.

Seth and Evan look at each other as they depart. “P.S. I Love You” by Curtis Mayfield begins playing. Seth points at Jules and mouths to Evan, “I’m gonna fuck her.”

BECCA: Where do you wanna go to eat?

JULES: So can you honestly help me figure out what kind of cover-up to get?

As Seth and Jules reach the bottom floor, Evan and Becca disappear over the top of the escalator. Seth and Jules walk through the mall as the camera pans to a wide shot.


SETH: I love you.