Robert Wyatt
Robert Takes the Road to Liebernawash / Little Red Riding Hood Hit the Road
Well, I will be seen
Who wakes from dream
Who screams in pain
At silent rain
Well, I lost the touch
Oh, it wasn't much
So now I'm drunk
Spending lunch by a frozen speedboat glass-edged chair
Zoned out on space
The parson ate the soon-to-be-forgotten bitch puppies
Slide foot motion spore, smiling like a crocodile
In the zoo, plaid dogs askew, spelled danger
Chrome loose edges, painted blue, oh, say
I drew the young boy's whip quietly from my waist
Soon, the night would move his burden all along the whitе boxes
Antoinette, hеr lips of fur, clung softly to my car
Slowly, clawing her way up past every tear, I spew her out
Mountain roads, pack and dirt, andahl Liebernawash
I should have simply said "Permo" and had done with it
But no, my last days as a boy were spent coding rock
At a zoological garden below the waterline
Orlandon't tell me, oh no
Don't say, oh, please don't tell me
Oh, dear me, heavens above
Oh no
I can't stand it
Stop, please, oh, deary me
What in heaven's name? Oh blimey
Mercy me, oh, woe me
Oh dear
Oh, stop it, stop it
You've been so kind
And I know, I know
Why did I hurt you?
I didn't mean to hurt you
But I'll keep trying
And I know you will too