Josh Ritter
The Bride
Come and sing me something pretty
That'll go well with the day
And the many flashing colors
Of your halo's fine array
Or make the melody as pleasing
As the one that's in my mind
The bride is getting ready
So we've got a little time

Come and sing me of the morning
Read my fortune in the leaves
And help me build a bower for her
And an altar in the trees
But let us save our best for evening
Our silver caps and wonder plain
Thе bride is getting ready
Still it's еarly all the same

Come and sing me of the Sun god
The shining chariot he rides
And of his brave and bold expression
That is the wake of maiden's eyes
Fairer still though is another
And you will know my words are true
The bride is getting ready
And she'll be ready very soon
Come and sing me where the waves break
Come and sing me of a bride
Alive and living in some wild place
Where no one knows just where she hides
Until come the quiet evening
When even the tide will heed her call
The bride is getting ready
I can see her down the hall

And now the bride is finally ready
And she's coming down the aisle
With her swallow-tailed nobles
Her ivory cape and silver eyes
Her ancient glamor and her silence
Her mistletoe and silhouette
The bride is at the altar
And the world holds its breath