Kublai Khan TX
Tiny Moments
​Sad fact is none of us chose to be here
Nothing, no one will appear–
That isn't destined to disappear
Destined to disappear

Do your best accept the situation
Trouble is trouble hates jubilation
Pressured with the task of finding my purpose
Answers elude me, gaining distance

No one wants to drown
But I have been treading water for a lifetime
Keeping my chin dry while the waves climb
Looking up just long enough to see sunset

In those tiny moments when I'm letting go
Fully acknowledging that I am knowledge-less
The human event
Ongoing rhythm of life

One more day, I must last
Pushing past, just to be
Convinced that, it's okay
I'm afraid, I'm still drowning

Beauty mind sight and grace
Wading a shallow pool soon a shallow grave
No wonder everyone is miserable
Left missing so much because I think I know
The stage is set you get what you get
No wonder everyone is miserable