Speaking...may I help you?
Hi do you guys sell do you have ice cream display up there?
And do you sell those uh chocolate shit bars?
Chocolate chip bars?
Chocolate shit bars?
The ones like the cookie?
Yeah with all the shits in 'em
They got. You sell the chocolate shit bars right?
Okay. How are they?
How are they?
Yeah are they pretty are they squishy? Are they any corn in them?
Why would there be corn in them?
Well I'm not from this area. Where we do it up in Concrete that's the way we do it. So I didn't know how it was down here
I don't think there's any corn in it
But they are shit bars right?
And it's good shit?
Yeah I guess
Alright. Uh and would you recommend these bars?
Yeah they're okay
Would you say you're a bit of a whizz with them?
Concrete let me every opportunity I have to prove myself with the shit bar