MC Jin

Epic Rap Battles of History (Season 4) (2019)

BTS - Love Yourself 結 ‘Answer’ (English Translation) (2018)

BTS - Love Yourself 結 ‘Answer’ (Romanized) (2018)

LOVE YOURSELF 結 ‘Answer’ (2018)

Nobody’s Listening (2017)


Traffic (West Coast Event) (2015)

Stereotypes (2014)

Well Wishes (2014)

Blood, Sweat, Tears and Prayer Mixtape (2012)

Brand New Me (2012)

Cruise Control (2012)

Tough Love & Parables (2011)

Folk Music (2006)

Audio-Bio (2005)

Volume 4: The Redemption (2005)

2 Fast 2 Furious (2003)

100 Grand Jin


Chapter 1: The Rise

Gold Chapter