Lil Peep
One Chance*
Lyrics from the notes

One chance, only got one chance to get the right the vibe to get right
Inside, her pants, put it all
Together I flow great, and I write bars that hit home and home plate
I am, everything u ever wanted to be
I took more drugs 'cause that's what they wanted to see
What they wanted from me, just a familiar face
And a familiar voice wit good rhythm and bass
Let me get some shit off my chest
If u never really knew me, well, you probably impressed
Don't be, 'cause all my friends know my shit is the best
I don't sit with the best, I'd rather sit wit the rest
I'm blessed, wit a big brain bigger than most
Fine line between a blessin and a curse, I suppose
Eyes are windows to the soul and my curtains are closed, but I blame