You Masked for It

[Store Owner]
Ahh, Welcome welcome. I see we have some heroes in training huh?


[Store Owner]
All masks today are two-for-one, that's uhh, one size fits all.Well maybe not you but, you got a brother that's making your face strange over here that's looking like rrrrghh


With all the masks on display there was no easy choice

[Store Owner]
You got pets? Maybe your dog needs a mask. Who was that masked dog?


[Store Owner]
You look like you can use two masks man... What if one falls off?


[Store Owner]
Maybe you wanna leave one at that special ladies house?

[Store Owner]
She thinks she knows you then boom! You got two masks on on, nobody knows who you are. . . not in these masks.Hehe


Suddenly the mask might not have been the best idea

[Store Owner]
This one really breathes


[Store Owner]
Alright now I don't need no government names but you can't be paying me in any gold doubloons, or stolen infinity jewels, or anything. I need cash money


[Store Owner]
Hey you kids messed with Murder she wrote? What about uhh Manimal? I got all 8 episodes