Bring The Truth Back
We live in a time where anything goes
Women wear men-clothes, men wear women-clothes
Fifteen year-old girls tease men with no clothes
No longer do we only sin with the doors closed
Everything is blatant, out front and exposed
No longer do we heed the leading of Holy Ghost
Do what we can like Toucan Sam and follow our nose
It always knows and leads us down the broad road
Of destruction and forfeit our souls
For power, prestige, the bling-bling and new clothes
It would seem after our teens that we'd begin to grow
But sin beget sin the more as we get old
The logical result is we begin to implode
And then explode as we begin to reload
Sinful men would recommend another dose of
Death, Destruction, Destitution and Dope but no!
Bring the Truth Back, dawg it never left
But when men begin to sleep
Somehow we got swept under the carpet
When heartless men continue to sin
Christ stepped in and enabled us to begin again
Bring the Truth Back, dawg it never left
But when men begin to sleep
Somehow we got swept under the carpet
When heartless men continued to talk
We dropped the truth off and got cool with their flock
It is wrong to idolize ... we don't know what we doing
As we boogie down to our ruin
It is wrong to have menage a trois'
As we set up images of gold, gats, girls as idol gods
It is wrong to have sex before marriage
For a deeper reason than baby bottles and diseases carried
Because this is something I can't understand
How you can just kill a man
It is wrong to commit murder
How we take up this fast-food mentality and serve cats like burgers
People, places, times that we living in
Minds corrupted by dimes and them dividends
But men were born in sin, since Adam we've sinned again
But Jesus paid for sin, repent and begin again
Let's preach this in the pen, keep people out of the pen
And change people and places and times that we living in!
We all sinners, right FLAME?
Yeah true, there's none righteous
No not one, not two (Romans 3:10)
Cats remind me of Sprewells, they take time to spin
Maybe just from the slow process that our minds our in
That my mind is in, in the sense of being sinners
But I'm a saint, meaning I'm a blood-covered sinner
We all fall short like mini-me
One of my sins makes God my enemy less Jesus set me free
From the penalty of sin and bondage
And being separated from Him eternally
I don't preach the tooth-fairy coz the truth is necessary
Christ is first and what's left is secondary
I say I'm Christlike so check my I.D
And if it's true, you should see His fruit on my tree
Though I do believe in eternal security
You don't wanna hear God singing, U Not Like Me