Ravishing lips surround, gods within make dunes of sand seem worthless
As pure as the snow on a mountain's top, girl, for you to my knees I would drop, I would
Ask for your hand you and I as one Your beauty it shines like the rays of the sun
We’ll walk down the isles we’ll dance if you may, I'll build you a temple for if you will say
You'll be mine to the end
No need to count time
Your dreams will come true love like a river of wine
For this I will grant you one final wish
So if this wish you wish for you should be from the heart
Your dreams will come true
But if this wish you wish for me, the heaven's will start
We’ll еat from thе tree
Just you and me
The wavеs break at my anklеs got my bucket in my hand. I picture what my life would be in a Castle made of sand
The view would be so pleasant, from the windows that I look. My Queen would have so many riches that of a story book
With dragons to protect her and all that she can dream. Eyes of darkest turquoise with a little touch of green
Her skins as soft as silk, teeth as white as pearls. Hair as long as the Castle walls with never ending curls
We’ll ride into the sunset saddles made of gold. Bodies ever so close oceans waters cold. All our dreams will soon be gone, washed away in the early dawn
My heart pours out for all to see. I dream of my Queen to be with me. Although alone I remain a man, my Queen and I walk hand and hand
I picture what my life could be in a Castle made of sand
Jim Morrison Jr
Yes father
I hear the bells of charity ringing in the winter night, I don't have a dime to pay
I've been out all the night, looking for a home in someone's face I see
I was doing time in the universal mind, I was doing all right
I was turning keys, I was setting people free
Now I'm doing all their time
Shadows crowd the alleys I walk, I find myself with no one to talk except to myself
For I must say
I hope I get to be rich and famous like my dad was someday
For everyone has taken for all he's worth, taken from me and everyone else