Aurelio Voltaire
Austin, Texas (Monologue)
I was with my friend Marc from the Brobdingnagian Bards
*Audience applauding*
Earlier today
And we were walking around
And he was wearing
He'll tell you it's a kilt
But it's a skirt
*Audience applauding*
And we went to, uh, what do they call those places?
CVS, we went to a CVS
And we were walking around
And my last show was in Kentucky
*Audience applauding*
And I can pretty much guarantee that
We would have gotten our asses whooped
Walkin' around lookin' like, you know
Dracula and Braveheart, you know
*Audience applauding*
It's my first time playing in Austin
And you are out-fucking-rageous
*Audience applauding*
Thank you
And I can't begin to tell you how awsome that is
Because you are all being recorded for a live album
*Audience applauding*