Fiona Apple
It Was Just a Plastic Bag
With paper bag
I was in my father's car, we're driving to the grocery store
And, this is an idea -like, how long it takes me to even- deal with writing a song
It's a- this was during the recording of the first album
And I was miserable, haha
And it was like a Saturday, and my dad and I were driving to the grocery store
And I was just chilling, sitting, sulking in
And I looked up into the sky, and I saw this in- this white dove
And I thought, you know- I have, like- I have incredible- I used to have terrible problem with, um
Everything wasn't simple to me, I have obsessive-compulsive disorder and it was way in full swing then
So like- everything that I saw meant, you know, life or death
So I look up into the sky, and I'm sulking and I see this white dove
And I thought, "Oh I, okay, everything's okay"
I mean, I swung way up to this high
And I was like, "Oh that's great, everything's all over white dove"
And it really start falling, and it was- it was just a plastic bag. It was a plastic bag
And it so creepy, and I was just dropped again. But then it was stuck in the head, and then, later on
You know, that was, kind of like- "Oh, there it is, the rule of my life", you know
That it- it always looks like it's gonna be something great, but then it just a damn plastic bag
But you know, and I made paper bag- because paper bag sounds better, um
And I didn't- and I just thought of that, and that image always stayed in my head
And it didn't make any sense in my life, until, years later
And then, you know, I grabbed it from the back of my head and made a song out of it
But lots of time that kind of stuffs happen weren't right, you know
I'll notice something, and then I'll ignore it, and then
It'll come back at some point