Farther I Go
I'm so tired, I can barely breathe and
The promises I can't keep
So sick and tired tired I can barely breathe
And promises I can't keep

The farther I go, the further back I get
The farther I go, the further back I get
The farther I go, the further back I get
The farther I go

I'm so tired, I can barely sleep and
Promises I can't keep
And it gets so much that I can barely breathe and
Promises that I can't keep

The farther I go, the further back I get
The farther I go, the further back I get
The farther I go, the further back I get
The farther I go

[Guitar Solo]
...The further back I get
The farther I go, the further back I get
The farther I go, the further back I get
The farther I go