Duke Ellington
Ain’t Nobody Nowhere Nothin’ Without God
Ain't nobody nowhere nothin' without God
Ain't nobody nowhere no way without God

[Verse 1]
Ain't nothin' sunshine, ain't nothin' rain
Nobody crazy, nobody sane
Nobody short, nobody long
Nobody plays or sings a song

Ain't nobody nowhere nothin' without God
Ain't nobody nowhere nothin' without God

[Verse 2]
No rich, no poor, nobody next door
No apple, no core, no cooked, no raw
No gold, no whore, no game, no score
Nothin livin', nothin' to live for

Ain't nobody nowhere nothin' without God
Ain't nobody nowhere nothin' without God

[Verse 3]
Without God's blessings
Nothing will be with you
Without God's blessings
Nothing will suit you, no
Ain't nobody nowhere without God
Ain't nobody nothin' nowhere without God

[Verse 4]
The life you live and you love
It's free but only on a lease
You have no right to give or take it
It belongs to the Lord of peace

Ain't nobody nowhere nothin' without God
Ain't nobody nowhere nothin' without God

[Verse 5]
No sun, no moon, no hum, no tune
No wake, no sleep, no faith to keep
No young, no old, no body, no soul
No flowers, no weed, no apple, no seed
No sight, no blind
No axe to grind
No bitter, no sweet
No food to eat
No here, no there
No clothes to wear
No rain, no shine
No yours, not mine
Ain't nobody nowhere nothin' without God
Ain't nobody nowhere nothin' without God

[Verse 6]
One more word before I am
If you don't believe in God
Then brother, you don't exist
Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm

Ain't nobody nowhere
Ain't nobody nowhere
Ain't nothin', nothing
Nothin', nothin'
Nothin', nothin' without God
Ain't nothin', nothin'
Ain't nothin', nothin'
Ain't nothin', nothin' without God
Without God

Toney Watkins