Hank Williams Jr.
Bartender put a little whiskey in my water
Looks like it's going to be another all nighter
Hope that barrel ain't got no bottom

[Verse 1]
Going to keep drinking as long as you got them
I been working all week out in the heat
I got a cotton mouth I need to drown out

Dehydration leads to a lot of libation
Gets you good vibrations, starts up a celebration
This inebriation sure is going to hurt me
But every now and then you just get a little thirsty

[Verse 2]
Little Miss Prissy's sipping martinis
Boys on the bar stools shooting down whiskey
Cowboy's chugging on an ice cold beer
The country boys got a jar of something clear
Some girl and her mom got a Jaager Bomb
They just dropped it on me now I can't see

Alright y'all ready?
Set 'em up, Joe
Ready, aim
Drink, drink, drink, drink, drink

