Emily Dickinson
                                                                          Amherst May 1 1842

My dear Brother

As It was Sunday Afternoon and all the folks gone to meeting Except - mother and myself I thought I would improve the opportunity and write you a few lines - we are all very well - but very lonely without you - I am glad you took the Latin lexicon - if it can be of any use to [you] because I have had good luck in borrowing one - your Clothes came - safe by Mr Pr[?]er and we were very glad to hear that you were well and in good spirits - the hens get along nicely - we brought in 9 Eggs yesterday - We generally get about 7 a day Mrs - Washburn was very much pleased with the Eggs mother sent her - the other day Francis brought your Rooster home and the other 2 went to fighting him while I was gone to School - mother happened to look out of the window and she saw him laying on the ground - he was most dead - but she and Aunt Elisabeth went right out and took him up and put him in a Coop and he is nearly well now - while he is shut up the other Roosters - will come around and insult him in Every possible way by Crowing right in his Ears - and then they will jump up on the Coop and Crow there as if they - wanted to show that he was Completely in their power and they could not treat him as they chose - Aunt Elisabeth said she wished their throats would split and then they could insult him no longer - I had an opportunity to write to Jane Humphrey which I improved and wrote her a short note as I had not time to write a long one the Man who was going to carry them having but a short time to stay in Amherst - I can think of nothing more to say but that we shall all be glad when you come home again - a great deal of love from all to you if you could I wish you - would send Sabra a paper she would be so pleased with it - I want you to answer this letter as soon as you can - Our garden is not made yet - our trees are all very full of blossoms now and - they look Very handsome - your Clothes that you sent home are all in good order - for you to put on - John Wheelock has been very sick and still continues to be so - though he is not as bad now as he was I do not think - Pa says he saw Mr Armsby here to Meeting to day - I like Miss Humprhey very much as a teacher - I recite to her in all My Studies Except Latin - the Horse is not very well and is staying at Mr Frinks to be taken care of till he is better I can think of nothing more to say now -

                                                                Your affectionate Sister Emily

ps - we expect Grandma Norcross and Uncle William up here this week - Sabra Howe has had a handsome present of a gold ring from Charles Richardson She dont seem to care much about him but he hangs on to her - and will not let go his hold - in hopes I suppose she will come back to him which she does not seem inclined to do I will put in her respects because I know she would send them if she knew I was agoing to write -


                               (Amherst, Mass. May 2nd 1842)

                       [from Elizabeth Dickinson to Austin Dickinson]

My dear Austin.

I have yielded to Emily's solicitations to write you a few words. I am not in the habit to writing to gentleman more than once if I do not receive an answer, however I will not censure you, for not writing me - I know you are busy as examination is so near - hope to see you next week Wednesday - I do not know of any news to tell you - except that three of your hens strayed away to Major Kellog's - and were brought home by Henry Howe to-day, - after an absence of several days. Eggs are very abundant - 11 were brought in to-day. The lattice-work & grape-arbor have been painted to-day - Mr Howe is having his house painted - Col Smith's house is just finished - this street is fast improving - come home as soon as you can for we are lonesome. Accept much love from your

                                                                                   affectionate aunt,

excuse all haste for it is late -