Nikki Giovanni
Making America Great
Do you know the meaning of the word "N"
Did history divide us because of our skin?

Greatness begins from within by character
Not by the color of the skin
But by what is inside of him
And from of his talents, skills, and knowledge,

Where does the battle of innocence begin?
Does that mean I can no longer have different race friends?
I no longer have the personal freedom to dream?
I bottle up feelings of being mistreated?

Does this mean I lose my right to vote?
Does this mean I lose mee right fair education?
Does this mean I lose my right to have a voice?
Does this mean I no longer have access to public facilities?
Does this take away my right to assembly?
Does this deny my right to have a free trial?
Does this exclude me from having a dream?

When a child calls me a "Niger"
He believes I am inferior
When a child is taught to hate himself
The parents and teachers wage wars
That teaches kids racial ignorance

What makes a man better is
when he learns to find his purpose
Not to be judged by the skin he is in
Nor to be treated wrong because he is different

Man fails to understand what he does not know
Life experience gives a child a chance to grow
When a child loses his self-esteem
He loses his will to live

Teaching hate causes illness
People can die from mental illness
Teaching to forgive and love each other
To cope and work with each other
Is what makes America the great nation it is