Barry Manilow
Jacquimo Tells the Story
[JACQUIMO, spoken]
I love great romances
I myself am a swallow of great pleasure!
Ha ha ha
Vive, l'amour
These are stories about people with impossible problems!
Sampson Loved Delilah
Oh, that was really impossible
Romeo et Juliet
Oh, Impossible!
Ho ho ho ho
But, the most impossible of all the stories is impossibly small!
The story of Thumbelina
Once upon a time
There was a lonely woman
Who longed to have
A child to call her own
One day
She paid a visit to a good witch
Who gave her a tiny barleycorn
Plant it in a flower pot
She says
And see what happens
The woman did as she was told and by
And by it began growing!
Until at last:
"Oh, what a pretty flower!"
"Hello mother."
"I'll call you Thumbelina."
But, can you imagine
The troubles for a little girl
No bigger than your thumb, hmm?