Horse the Band
I Think We Are Both Suffering from the Same Crushing Metaphysical Crisis
"Dilation of chronal aperture in 3,2,1"

Initiate instruments set to yesterday!

At the speed light across empty plains of time
On a ship of jewels and gold
All of time unfolds

A seven click blip
For a fifteen eon trip
Crafting deja vu
Event horizon boom
Days rescind and lapse
Birth after death
Tomorrow is the past
Event horizon boom
Cities shrink and fade into the ice age
Dinosaurs now new
Event horizon boom

Time is broken!

How small are we compared to space and time? (played in reverse)
Time after time
Time after time
Time after time
All these machines that dream
Make me want to scream
There's no bears or wild things
The future's not what it seems
Causality denied
All of time is now mine
The crisis we both share
Is you are me when I was there

Time after time
It's almost time
Time to say goodbye
At the end of time