Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Hence, soul-dissolving Harmony
       &nbspThat lead'st th' oblivious soul astray—
Though thou sphere-descended be—
       &nbspHence away!—
Thou mightier Goddess, thou demand'st my lay,
       &nbspBorn when earth was seiz'd with cholic;
Or as more sapient sages say,
       &nbspWhat time the Legion diabolic
       &nbsp       &nbspCompell'd their beings to enshrine
       &nbsp       &nbspIn bodies vile of herded swine,
       &nbsp       &nbspPrecipitate adown the steep
       &nbsp       &nbspWith hideous rout were plunging in the deep,
And hog and devil mingling grunt and yell
       &nbspSeiz'd on the ear with horrible obtrusion;—
Then if aright old legendaries tell,
       &nbspWert thou begot by Discord on Confusion!

What though no name's sonorous power
Was given thee at thy natal hour!—
Yet oft I feel thy sacred might,
While concords wing their distant flight.
       &nbspSuch Power inspires thy holy son
       &nbsp       &nbspSable clerk of Tiverton!
And oft where Otter sports his stream,
I hear thy banded offspring scream.
Thou Goddess! thou inspir'st each throat;
'Tis thou who pour'st the scritch-owl note!
Transported hear'st thy children all
Scrape and blow and squeak and squall;
And while old Otter's steeple rings,
Clappest hoarse thy raven wings!