Mac Miller
[Intro: Mia Farrow, Bruce Dern & Sam Waterston]
Oh, there's a bird on the lawn! I think it must be a nightingale, come over on the Cunard or the White Star Line, he's singing away. It's romantic, isn't it, Tom?
Yes, it is romantic
It had been a golden afternoon, and I remember having the familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with the summer


[Interlude: Sam Waterston]
It was what preyed on him
What foul dust floated in the wake of his dreams


[Segue 1: Vitaly Mansky]
Прямо перед отъездом у нас состоялся долгий разговор с Далай-ламой. Он говорил о том, как избежать войн, спасти экосистему Земли, какими могут быть последствия перенаселения и как избежать глобальных катастроф, с которыми сталкивается наша цивилизация. Он говорил простые вещи, и казалось, что для нас не было ничего нового. Но именно этот разговор заставил нас посмотреть на мир по-другому


[Segue 2: 14th Dalai Lama]
[?] pieces of [?]
All these are relative to level
[?] to level
So, absolute means [?] viewpoint
Absolute, ultimate, absolute, means [?]
That level, should be something [?]
Some things are relative
You know, one minute, you do not accept absolute, if you accept absolute [?] one extinct
There must be always
So there's the other thing
But nature, is relative