Sufjan Stevens
Meeting up
He's in line at this store
To get these potholders for some collab that he's been like camping out for
(Wait til you see em D, no heat out the oven)
And he starts chatting me up and
(Hey D, wait til you see em)
And he's actually with this girl, who's named Elaine
And she's got like a curved Minnesota Gophers hat, jeans
And kind of like reminds me of what Jules maybe would have looked like
Which is strange, but
So there's this lady Sophia, who's dressed like Renaissancе period
And obvious is infatuated with Elaine
And rеpeats what she says and is always staring at her
And you get the vibe that she does not like Kenny
Like, he's gotta go
And there's this other guy, Hal
Who's probably late 50s but is also like fully kitted out in drop culture style, you know
And he's all about Sophia
And his whole vibe is, you know, as the kids are saying, a bit thirsty
What's weird is I'm like, that doesn't look like actual Supreme
It looks like, his shit looks knockoff
Anyway, it's a strange dynamic
So, there's the five of us waiting in this line for the collab potholders
But Kenny's the same, you know, he's still funny, just dressed up
And it's good to be there in Minnesota
And the only thing I was hoping for was a little one on one time