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(Faye Wong)
(Faye Wong)
寓言 (Fable) (2000)
不愛我的我不愛 (Where’s the Love)
你喜歡不如我喜歡 (I Like It Better)
再見螢火蟲 (Goodbye Fireflies)
如果你是假的 (Makeover Game)
寒武紀 (Cambrian Age)
新房客 (New Roommate)
笑忘書 (Laugh and Forget)
阿修羅 (Asura)
香奈兒 (Chanel)
Final Fantasy VIII: Original Soundtrack (1999)
Eyes on Me
只愛陌生人 (Lovers & Strangers) (1999)
只愛陌生人 (Lovers and Strangers)
百年孤寂 (One Hundred Years of Solitude)
開到荼蘼 (Last Blossom)
Faye Best (1994)
Do We Really Care?
胡思亂想 (Random Thoughts) (1994)
夢中人 (Dream Lover)
胡思亂想 (Random Thoughts)
夢中人 - 王菲 Dreams
(無題) (Untitled)
Di-Dar (Historical Mix)
Eyes On Me (Almighty Radio Mix)
I’m on Your Side
Summer Of Love
シャナイア (Chanel) (Japanese Version)
一人分飾兩角 (One Person Playing Two Roles)
一半 (Half)
不得了 (Unbelievable)
世界赠予我的 (Shì Jiè Zèng Yǔ Wǒ De)
享受 (Enjoyment)
人間 (Another Paradise)
你快樂 (所以我快樂) (Happy Together)
假期 (Vacation)
催眠 (Hypnosis)
償還 (Compensate)
光之翼 (Wings of Light)
冷戰 (Cold War)
分裂 (Divided)
半途而廢 (Give In)
原諒自己 (Forgive Myself)
可愛眼睛 (Charming Eyes)
嗶一聲之後 (After the Tone)
因為愛情 (Because Of Love)
執迷不悔 (No Regrets)
墮落 (Degeneracy)
夢中人 / Man of My Dreams (English translation)
天使 (Angel)
天空 (The Sky)
娛樂場 (Playground)
守時 (Punctual)
守望麥田 (Rye Catcher)
守護天使 (Guardian Angel)
小聰明 (Whimsical)
小題大做 (Fussy)
心驚膽戰 (Heart-stopping)
悶 (Bored)
情誡 (Love Commandments)
感情生活 (Love Life)
懷念 (Nostalgia)
我也不想這樣 (I Don’t Want To Be Like This)
我信 (I Believe)
我想 (Wanna)
或者 (Maybe)
掃興 (Disappointed)
推翻 (Push Back)
撲火 (Crazy Aout You)
敷衍 (Be Perfunctory)
暗湧 (Undercurrent)
曖昧 (Ambiguous)
有緣的話 (If Destined)
末日 (Doomsday)
棋子 (Pawn)
流年 (Fleeting Times)
流星 (Comet)
湾 (Bay)
無常 (Impermanence)
玩具 (Toy)
當時的月亮 (Once in a Blue Moon)
知己知彼 (Know Oneself And Each Other)
祢 (Our Lord)
童 (Child)
精彩 (Fantastic)
約定 (Promise)
紅豆 (Red Bean)
給自己的情書 (Love Letter to Myself)
臉 (Imagination)
自便 (As One Pleases)
色盲 (Colorblind)
色誡 (The Obesession)
蝴蝶 (Butterfly)
螢火蟲 (Fireflies)
迷路 (Lost)
迷魂記 (Vertigo)
過眼雲煙 (After All)
郵差 (Postman)
醒不來 (Wake Up)
開到荼蘼 (Last Blossom) (Remix Version)
雲端 (Beyond The Clouds)
飛 (Fly Away)
麻醉 (Obstinate)
麻醉 (Obstinate) (Remix)