March 2020 Metal & Hardcore Release Calendar
Almanac - Rush of Death - 10/10
Body Count - Carnivore - 10/10
Borgne - Y - 7/7
Crematory - Unbroken - 15/15
Downswing - Good Intentions - 10/10
My Dying Bride - The Ghost of Orion - 8/8
Silverstein - A Beautiful Place to Drown - 12/12
Viscera - Obsidian - 9/9
Cénotaphe - Monte Verità - 8/8
Ded - Mannequin Eyes - 2/2
Afterbirth - Four Dimensional Flesh - 11/11
Architectural Genocide - Cordyceptic Anthropomorph - 8/8
Burden of Life - The Makeshift Conqueror - 9/9
Code Orange - Underneath - 14/14
Conquest Icon - Empire of the Worm - 10/10
Crimson Shadows - The Resurrection - 3/3
Invent Animate - Greyview - 13/13
Korgonthurus - Kuolleestasyntynyt - 6/6
Rotting Kingdom - A Deeper Shade of Sorrow - 6/6
White Stones - Kuarahy - 10/10
Jahresringe - Dürre - 7/7
Grift - Budet - 6/6
Heaven Shall Burn - Of Truth and Sacrifice - 19/19
Lucifer - Lucifer III - 9/9
Malokarpatan - Krupinské ohne - 5/5
Medico Peste - ב: The Black Bile - 7/7
Neck of the Woods - The Annex of Ire - 7/7
Olhava - Ladoga - 9/9
Sweven - The Eternal Resonance - 8/8
Thanatos - Violent Death Rituals - 10/10
Virocracy - Irradiation - 9/9
Stillborn Condition - God Eater - 11/11
Candlemass - The Pendulum - 6/6
Elfsgedroch - Gedoemd tot de eeuwige jacht - 7/7
In This Moment - Mother - 14/14
Nekrovault - Totenzug: Festering Peregrination - 7/7
Stíny plamenů - Záře zápalných šňůr - 7/7
Temple of Void - The World That Was - 6/6
Towards Darkness - Tetrad - 7/7
Twitch of the Death Nerve - A Resting Place for the Wrathful - 8/8
Velnias - Scion of Aether - 6/6
Walk Through Fire - Vår avgrund - 7/7