March 2021 Metal & Hardcore Release Calendar
Abominable Putridity - Parasitic Metamorphosis Manifestation - 2/9
Gorr - Kvit som snøen, kald i blikket - 6/6
Padus - Amsirac - 7/7
Starscape - Colony - 7/7

The Harvest Trail - Instinct - 9/9

BAEST - Necro Sapiens - 10/10
Bonecarver - Evil - 10/10
Brand of Sacrifice - Lifeblood - 12/12
Dreamshade - A Pale Blue Dot - 14/14
Nightfall - At Night We Prey - 10/10
Nixil - All Knots Untied - 6/6
Stonewielders - Iron Times - 8/8
Witherfall - Curse of Autumn - 10/11
Wolfheart - Skull Soldiers

Heyoka's Mirror - The Uninvited King - 8/8
Ultraxe - Vol 1​.​.​.​Confinados !​!​! - 10/10

Acrylazea - A Cavalcade of Cosmic Calamity - 12/12
Angstkvlt - Follow and Obey - 5/5
Bound in Fear - Eternal - 5/5
The Crown - Royal Destroyer - 11/11
Cruel Lifе Inside - Eclipsis Vitae - 7/7
Enforced - Kill Grid - 9/9
Eyеhategod - A History of Nomadic Behavior - 12/12
Isgherurd Morth - Hellrduk - 5/5
Kankar - Dunkle Millennia - 11/11
Orden Ogan - Final Days - 10/10
Orecus - The Obliterationist - 9/10
Stortregn - Impermanence - 8/8
Sunstorm - Afterlife - 11/11
Vor die Hunde - Auch Opfer unter den Deutschen - 9/9
Wesenwille - II: A Material God - 8/8
Last One on Earth - Last One on Earth - 7/7
Miasmata - Unlight: Songs of Earth and Atrophy - 7/7

Divine Destruction - My Suffering - 2/5

Abandoned by Light - Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night... - 9/9

Neurotech - Solace - 10/10

Clenching Shadow - Romanticizing Disparity - 7/7
Dvne - Etemen Ænka - 9/10
Emerald Woods - Winterspring - 6/6
Erra - Erra - 12/12
Fuath - II
Herzel - Le dernier rempart - 6/6
Landmvrks - Lost in the Waves - 10/10
Lunar Shadow - Wish to Leave - 6/6
Necrotted - Operation: Mental Castration - 10/10

Ohmritual - Inhale Light - Exhale Darkness - 8/8
Blindfolded and Led to the Woods - Nightmare Withdrawals - 10/10
Cryptosis - Bionic Swarm - 8/10
Freezing Terror - The Unexpected - 10/10
Ironbourne - Ironbourne - 9/9
Sanguisugabogg - Tortured Whole - 11/11
Silent Winter - Empire of Sins - 9/9
Tomahawk - Tonic Immobility - 12/12
Volker - Banners - 7/7
Worm Shepherd - In the Wake ov Sòl - 10/10

Choria - A Dismal Repertoire - 7/7
Withering Reign - Under the Bleeding Sun - 6/7

Lebensnacht - The Realm Beyond - 6/6

Sinamort - The Idle Veil - 6/6