Mickey Factz

Freestyles (2016)

The Road To Achievement (2016)

Paragons (2014)

Searching Sylvan (2014)

Life Without Shame (2011)

B.o.B Vs Bobby Ray (2010)

George Kush Da Button (2010)

I’m Better Than You (2010)

More Merch (2010)

thedarkphoenix#ALPHA (2010)

Please, Hold (2009)

Re-Living Thing (2009)

This Ain’t No Mixtape (2009)

The Layover Mixtape (2008)

The Leak Vol. 1: The Understanding (2008)

The Leak Vol. 2: The Inspiration (2008)

Kunst des Scheiterns


The Will to Win

Words of an Otaku